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Reccomend A Strong 19" 32h Rim


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Yeah, I know, another rim thread. I did search but I couldn't find anything as specific as I want to know.

Basically, I need a new hub and I'm toying wih the idea of a new rim, as my current one is buckled...And I might aswell get a new one whilst I'm at it.

So, what I'm looking for is: a rim that's 19", 32h, good strength but can also stand up to some grinds. In the grind>strength ratio, I wouldn't mind somehwere in between but leaning towards a rim that grinds well (as in produces a good braking surface and holds grinds) but not as strong. So again,

19", 32h, good strength but can also stand up to grinding.

Double cheers, I know you lot are probably getting bored with these threads now

There. No more rambling to myself :D

Edited by ManxTrialSpaz
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Yeah, I know, another rim thread. I did search but I couldn't find anything as specific as I want to know.

Basically, I need a new hub and I'm toying wih the idea of a new rim, as my current one is buckled...And I might aswell (I think) get a new one whilst I'm at it (unless minor buckles can be straightened out nicely without loss of strength??).

umm, truing a wheel will remove buckles :ermm:

So, what I want to know is, what is the ideal rim for someone that wants a rim that's: 19", 32h, good strength but can also stand up to some tempermental grinding (I.e. nor light, medium or harsh, but a bit of all,,,at the same ime :P (Only joking, and no, I don't want to do it myself)<--Aimed at manxrider). In the grind>strength ratio, I wouldn't mind somehwere in between but leaning towards a rim that grinds well (as in produces a good braking surface and holds grinds). So again,

19", 32h, good strength but can also stand up to grinding.

Double cheers, I know you lot are probably getting bored with these threads now

You couldn't have put that in a more awkward manner. I have nothing more to add to this thread.

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nah it's not really weaker. it obviously depends on the state of the rim and how severe the 'buckle' is, but in most cases if it's the sorta thing where the rim has just started to rub on one of the pads or whatever, a spoke key and some tinkering will fix it....

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