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Long Or Short


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pros. better for gaps

better for taps and backwheels

better for front wheel manoovers

better for hooking..

bettter for static hops and things like that

better to lurch on and surges to backweel

cons. harder to chuck about

harder to spin on.(like 180s)

harder to get on the backwheel.


pros. easier to chuck about.(more responsive)

easier to spin

easier to bunyhop

easier to control when gettin up onto backwheel

easier to manual and do more streety moves

cons. harder for ups,taps and backwheels

harder to hook

not as good to gap on


please excuse my very irregular writing alignment :$

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The thing is, it's simply not as black and white as Max-t has put it.

A long bike with bb rise is going to be easier to get onto the back wheel than a short bike with BB drop. It's also very dependant on the set-up of the bike. One thing that's for sure, regardless of what bike you jump onto, if it's a mod, it'll pretty much feel better on the back wheel than a python, due to it having loooong chainstays.

Long bike's arn't nescessarily 'better' for taps and such either, as again their geometry may mean having to totally review your technique....

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well i got the bike with out knowing anything about the above!

whats cls

CLS is craig lee scott. He's got his name on the 06 pythons (maybe on the long 05 as well ? ) on account of being pretty damn good at riding them.

aanyway, don't worry about the frame - it's not the length, it's what you do with it that counts. :lol:

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This carnt have happened....

You mean to say you have never heard of CLS. :lol:


Short bikes: Better for Bunnyhops, there more flickier, i personally find them easier to go to back wheel on things.

Long bikes: Better for everything really :-

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