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Front Hook

Ben Beckett

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The basic advice i've heard people say....is to carry momentum from going into the pallet, to helping lift the bike up in the hook.As soon as you hit the pallet/wall carry the momentum over the bars while bringing the rest of the bike up (Y)

I'm not very good at them at all, but i hope this has helped :)

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the way i do it is pedal like a nutter just lift the front end and land your front wheel on the wall and smack your rear wheel into the wall. as soon as you've done this lift forward and get your weight over your bars and you should be up the obstical keep doing this until you get the whole move as smooth as a babys bum and your sorted.

remember loads and loads of speed more speed easier the hook will be (Y)

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^^^ true.

And theres also two other things:

-If you're doing a pedal up, pedal from the moment you start moving to the very end of the pedal up. In other words, keep pedaling. This is quite tricky but it does help once you get the hang of it.

-Get the whole body weight onto the front wheel and fork. The rear wheel has to remain weightless.

Good luck with them.

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basically what they said mate^^^^^

but when you hit it throw all of your body forward and use your front brake to help you up..

dont lean forward too soon though because you will stop dead..when you go up it push the bars away from you and unweight your feet from the pedals...the back wheel should follow ..keep practicing and hit it hard !

max :rolleyes:

and you have posted a few topics already..nice one!

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I have recently just learnt hooks and there is a nack to it that involves landing on the wall both wheels at the same time and with your weight forward, this way when you hit the wall the momentum does most of thw work for you, you just lift the bike and lean forward and you should make it up safely. The problem I had was that I didnt have enough speed and I kept my weight too far back so when I landed I did what you do at the minute and fall back. So basically hit the wall hard, fast and with your weight forward and you should get up!

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Once you've got the hang of them they feel mint! you just fly to back wheel, basically a hook is all about speed and getting used to smacking your bike in a wall at a vertical angle, feels weird because how often are you ever vertical on a bike, just takes time to get used to it, shift your weight as hard as you can to the front wheel and your back should just come straight up but if your trying for a hook to back as your rear wheel comes up stick your arse and weight to back and the same will happen to the front (Y) .

I also reccomend that you start on a slant but get to a vertical wall soon after just keep trying over and over, you will get it (Y)

good luck mate.

Edited by Snowy
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