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Not a very wise subject!

Talking about speeding and dodging getting caught speeding through speed cameras when someone on this forum died by stupid idiots speeding and joy riding!

I've been in too many cars when the driver is a twat and wants to show off. It's not clever and people get hurt one way or another.

Topic ended.

Hmm... Theres a VAST difference between speeding and 'being a twat and wanting to show off'.

Agreed, people who do 60 in a 30 when there are pedestrians around driving to the limit of their ability/the road conditions/their cars ability are being irresponsible and dangerous.


Doing 85 (which would be classed as speeding, obviously) on a clear motorway with good road conditions, visibility, driving skill and a car designed to handle and stop comfortably at these speeds is, in my eyes, hardly being a twat.

Take the traffic cop who was caught doing 159mph (+/- 5mph) in a Vectra GSI on the motorway in Telford in good road conditions. He was considered one of the best drivers the areas police force has.. So he's a Grade 1 driver, in a car designed for high speeds, on a clear road.

There are no pedestrians on a motorway, as it was a clear road there would have been no/few cars, he would know how to handle the car correctly, and in my eyes, i'm failing to see the harm.

For anyone in a situation under this level of driving, in a lower performance car, on a busier road in worse conditions, i consider it to be irresponsible and dangerous.

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Why not get something like that.

We have one, it's pretty useless as it picks up more automatic doors than speed cameras.

It's turned off pretty much all the time unless we're going somewhere unfamiliar at high speed...

And it dosent pick up laser detectors, which are more of a problem as you cant always see them.

Edited by adamtrials
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Snoopers arent great, go for a road angel or a pda with the tom tom software, my dad has had both.. and they both pick up all the cameras and not automatic doors :) really worth investing the money in to be honest it sounds a lot to first purchase but it can save your license, points or fines.

Road angel


Edited by Jeza
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Valentine 1 laser/radar detectors are generally considered the best.

Have a look for Alex Roy's various pages (polizei144.com/bullrun144.com) and theres loads of info on the stuff he uses.

Valentine 1 detectors have directional arrows to tell you where the source is. It also has a function to turn off the X band, source of many false alarms.

Anways, all this stuff is on the websites i've linked to in this and my previous posts.

Edited by N.Wood
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Standard 1.2 8v punto..would never do 115. I Myself under the same circumstances as that guy have reached about 103-104 downhill on m25.

They are slow cars :( But i love mine :D

it's a sport...but surely it wouldn't make that much difference would it? who knows, i know nothing about cars really.

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Whats the point in speeding , you dont really get there any quicker and you put innocent lives in danger :angry: you dont really deserve a car (IMO).

Adam. (Y)

So if you where travelling from devon to the east midlands, at 4 in the morning on a clear motorway on a dry cool night with good visibility you're saying you wouldnt get there any quicker if you went a bit over the speed limit?

Theres no innocent lives in danger either.

Yeah, say speeding has no point and you dont really deserve a car if you do, but going too slow can cause accidents as well as people will try to get round/past you in situations they wouldn't ordinarily have to.

... My point, you should drive at a correct speed for a given situation, never speed through school zones or public areas (i.e. housing estates or town centres) and never go slowon a motorway or on narrow country roads. You learn, how to make decisions like this when you start driving... you can't say shit until you do either.

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So if you where travelling from devon to the east midlands, at 4 in the morning on a clear motorway on a dry cool night with good visibility you're saying you wouldnt get there any quicker if you went a bit over the speed limit?

Theres no innocent lives in danger either.

Yeah, say speeding has no point and you dont really deserve a car if you do, but going too slow can cause accidents as well as people will try to get round/past you in situations they wouldn't ordinarily have to.

... My point, you should drive at a correct speed for a given situation, never speed through school zones or public areas (i.e. housing estates or town centres) and never go slowon a motorway or on narrow country roads. You learn, how to make decisions like this when you start driving... you can't say shit until you do either.

Agreed (Y)

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