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World Round 4


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Still here.

loving it loads, plenty of saki later.



Ben savage 1st

Pcola 2nd


Yoshi 1st

Brumotti 2nd

Butler 3rd

me 4th

Ali c 5th

Gav b 6th

Thomas Hyland 2nd JOINT 1st lost on 8minutes too slow

Lois Morgan 2nd

Scott Wilson 4th

Cant remember rest..............too many and too many sakis later..

OVERALL world results:


Butler 2nd Expert

Ali C 3rd Expert

Me 4th

Yoshi 5th (even though he did 2 ROUNDS!!!!)

Lois 3rd :)

Thomas Hyland 2nd

James Hyland won the (i cant be arsed competition) bad back competition as he couldnt wake up (Y):D

the NATION came 3rd overall in the world 1st was Spain and 2nd was Japan!!! so the best the NATION has ever done.


Well done to haggis for winning mario cart (Y) shame he didnt win the trial. well done Dunc

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the abants werent here, as they had already secured 1st and 2nd over the other 3 rounds.

Roy fred shall be back on wednesday, weather he will be taking calls, im not 100% BUT id give it till 4/5pm till you call him (Y) gives him time to get home and have a well earned rest (Y)

Top bananna to all the brits. we have all had a good time and the weather over the last 2 weeks has really been amazing.

getitng to know the "Italian Mafia" was a good experience, me ben and duncan became the othe r3 amigos to the italian mafia. so alls good. fun and games all the way.


OH Gav B got 6th overall i think. me and gav rode round together today giving each other encouragement, not wanting or feeling the need to win,but the atmosphere was great, literally buzzing and flying on the clouds all day.

Well done to all.


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Well done to Dan, Lois an the british team for the great results.

Glad Dan has made it to world master level, looking forward to next year.

Great result for the team as a whole, think this is our highest ever overall placing (I stand corrected if not)

I know Dan would like to thank Ben Slinger for helping him in Singapore and Lois for helping him in Japan. I know how hard it can be to compete at that level when you are on your own, and you are up against the odds.

Hopefully next year I will have the funds an time off work to come to all the rounds with Dan. Still never been to Japan, must go!!

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Well done to Dan, Lois an the british team for the great results.

here here!

for my 2p though,

the italian guy who won expert was a bit of a shock i've seen him before and from what i saw in previous years i never thought he'd beat danny.

looking at some of the earlier results i guess the sections in the first couple of rounds must have been easy, however when they got harder dan did the business.

well done ali master eh?

wayne next year it could be you (Y)

miss morgan if you continue next year as you have this, spain could be very worried!

ben savage well done you tart, perhaps next year you should be on a 20" :P

all in all though well done one 'n' all

Edited by rugbyman
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cheers guys!

the singapore comp was easy enough section wise, but SOOOOO hot!!! hottest Danny or I have ever ridden in, it made it quite hard (though danny still did very well)

Japan was much cooler, but I was still sweating buckets! the sections were all pretty easy (apart from the hill section) but I rode like a blind muppet and dropped farrrrr too many dabs.

still, very happy with third overall, and well dont to ben, lois, danny and tom for their good results too!

Al (singapore airport)

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hey mick, you missed the PI55 up on sunday night................

the italian and his 2 amigo's was well mint, deffinatly 3 guys i would go visit in Italy. got an invite to go over and stay with the guys.

its funny how trials globally even though it is not as big in some countries that sound people and extremly nice characters make the sport so fun and exciting!!!! i would like to congratulate everyone but most of all the Italian (job) really got close with those dudes. check out Brumotti's home page HERE

well done to all the brit lads for all their results (Y) was good for the "team" to have got the great results and a good strong team foothold on the world.


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