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Saracen Kid

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I have noticed my computer has been acting abit gay atm, i know for a sure it hasnt came from here (even though i have Downloaded alot of vid recently) , I am doing a Virus scan now.

Thats pretty much all you can do, or set your computer back to another date (doesnt always work)..

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you should defrag your comp

because doin that it will sort out all the locations of every file

into a better more suitable place within its system

it will make it faster and lots better to access

though its does take time

but its worth it (Y)(Y)

specially when you downloads loads of stuff :D

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Yer, I know its been said, but de-fragging it will do it a load of good! Has always worked for me.

Also you can aquire a program called spyware anitvirus for *free* in some places just go on download.com and they'll tell you :P


de-fragmenting your hard drive does f**k all except speed up file access. It won't help you remove a bloody virus so it's not the answer to the problem.

and... (this is strictly my opinion - based on 10-12ish years of heavy computer usage)

if compare the amount of time you spend defragging a heavily fragmented 200GB disk to the nanoseconds you lose every time you access a file you'd have to use the damn machine for about 5 years before you got any of the wasted time back.

what Si said is probably the best solution to the problem - unless you've got the shitty winantivirus popups, in which case you need to start considering hijackthis and BHOdemon as ways to rid yourself of it.

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Dude there is no way it'd be off the forum!

Tf is not built on any or near any virus network nor is hosetd on them.

Wana know a site that is....myspace.com. It's built on the IBM minesweaper virus vault network. I lvoe telling people that!

Anyway few things!

TF has never ever set AVG off or minesweaper on PC. Mineseaper is uber expenive and works!

You how ever have had virus for ages, when we've chatted on MSN my AVG goes off all the time!

So your porblem is do you have any antivirus to begin with and has it been update to the most recent update patch? I bet not

Also you lie as your pc is not just used for looking and posting on TF! You downlaod vids which are hosted all over the net in turn pick up virus form pc to pc and along the core parth

Want me to go on as i will!!

Defrag speeds lots of stuff up, fact everything and should be done once a week on high use and once month low use! Along with delting tempry files every month!

I bet i can find exactly what type of vrius you got on there right now!


It's the most comen right now and the easyest vrius created thanks to Bill and his twatish brigade. AVG go get it, update the hell out of it and kill it! 15 mins job!

If you need pc help ask, it's my job and my hobby!

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