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Handle Bar Position


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I've got some riser bars and i was just wondering if putting them at diferent angles alters how you ride. Because i saw some one with riser's and he had them more or less horizontal.

So whats the best position? (if there is one)

Edited by lee220
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It will alter how the bike rides, i'm not sure tilting where effects what but i know there is big changes in terms of comfort. I would say its down to personal preference and where you find them comfy to ride with.

Try using the search, it should come up with some information for you (Y)

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It will alter how the bike rides, i'm not sure tilting where effects what but i know there is big changes in terms of comfort. I would say its down to personal preference and where you find them comfy to ride with.

Try using the search, it should come up with some information for you (Y)

I've tried it didn't come up with out thanks anyway.

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You sacrifice a bit of snappiness in your steering with the bars tilted back but it makes the bike more stable so what's better depends on how you like to ride.

It's a bit of a broad generalisation but you could probably say that if you ride a lot of natural you want them further forward than if you ride a lot of street

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yer its more of a personal preference..

but thinkin about it if your bar is set...

forward: would just mean its not actin as a riser bar (obviously)

up straight: would mean your whole top part of your body is higer up,

which means your pull would hav an effect...(cant fig out what yet)

backwards: then your just silly :P

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im sorry if i may have come across a bitty rude, but i am a nice tranny sumtimes but frankly i think this syt is shyt as you ban me for the tiniest things. NOBBERS!!!

Well not to be blunt,but...If the site is "shyt" why don't you f*ck off? Because you are obviously way too mature for us "nobbers"...I iz gon' wel gt done in nw blud innit safe!.....

Back on topic...i have my handlebars leant quite a way forwards...makes the bike feel/ride nicer i think.

zoo baby!

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I prefer mine slightly forwards so i can get right over the front wheel (Y) i have taken some pictures just as a reference for you.


dscf0028mo8.th.jpg and i think its down to personal preference really , try a few ways, move them about and see what is the right position for you. :)

Adam. (Y)

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I thought the general idea was the further back (or vertically upwards) you have your bars, the easier it is to pull up, or the further forward you have them the better the bike feels hopping on the back wheel.

Is that what other people have found?

Any other effects of bar-tilty-ness?

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Mine are set up as an extension of my stem, with possibly a tiny bit or rise, as in ever so slightly back, but the sweep still makes the end of the bar's higher than any other part.

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I've just received a bike recently with some quite high rise bars and am looking forward to trying different angles but unfortunatly they aren't very long, obviously for trials riding I'm told longer bars are better, so I might be changing them soon.

which brings me to a related question - does anyone know why people to choose straight bars? I'm new back but before I stopped everyone semed to be look for the right riser bar. hmmm

have fun everyone!

p.s. if the guys above didn't ask your question I'm sure the moral of the story is to just find a setting that works best for you, go ou with an alen key and try riding different types of obsticles you're working on and see which feels easier.

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