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Do Cats Go Crazy In Their Old Age?

Will Arnold

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my cats going mad i tell thee.

its always jumping around for attention on its back legs, jumping onto my lap all the time, following the cursor on the computer and trying to attack it! sleeping in random places: bathroom bason, the bath, next to the breadbin, in the cupboard under the telly, ect...

a week ago she was the most boring and dosile cat, now she's full of life!!

whats going on fellas? lol

(yes, im rather bored whilst getting ready for work!)


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My cat is male and does this one week he will sleep through the whole week and this week he's been going bonkers at everything and wanting attention all the time. I dont think it helps that my mother is away and he doesnt like her not being around.

Or its just really horny

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my parent's dog started doing all that sort of stuff when he hit about 13 - prior to that you were lucky if you could get the b*****d to walk more than 50 yards.

We suspect it may have had something to do with the heart pills he was on.

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