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That Time Again, Gcse Results.


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Hmm i'll shut up about colleges now then.

But my opinion remains unchanged...

(Btw i was talking about people who do a levels with shit gcse grades but meh...)

Im happy with my results, got A* in Dt, A's in Music and Physics and B's in the rest except for art and chemistry, which i got a C in.

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English - D

Maths - D

PE - C

Forensic Science - C

Science - C

Business Studies - C

Tech - C

ICT they did'nt waste the ink, by putting it on the sheet! LOL!

I done pretty well in french...... E :lol: but I'm not bothered!

I'm gutted that I didnt pass maths and english. Don't have a clue how i passed Business studies and PE

Aw well i did!

Good Luck agian to everyone!

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well i made it to schoolf or 10 o'clock to see wat ive wasted 11 years of school on and...

science a a double award

english b

english literature a*

leisure n toursim c c double award

graphics a

resistant materials d

i.t d

maths c

i hope that university is good

gaz uni is going to be imense :D


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Science:Double Award-BB

D&T:Product Design-D


English Literature-A






IT-Grade 1 (pass)

Im fairly happy with these results, dissapointed with the D n tech but that was due to all our teachers leaving and new ones coming then leaving again so most of our class couldnt be arsed and so the average grade was pulled down. :(

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Just going back to what Adamtrials was saying - generally, lower entry qualifications mean a lower standard. It's a generalisation and obviously there are going to be different institutions which buck that trend, but with unis it seems to be fairly accurate. e.g. an Oxbridge degree is rated as one of the best you can get, and is 'worth' more to employers, and you've gotta get straight A's in A-levels to stand a chance of getting in. In comparison, um... can't think of any widely accepted as shit unis so I won't name names, but the value of a degree in terms of how employers, etc. will rate it will go down. A degree is still a degree though so it's all good, but Adam's right to some extent.

Equally, I know a fair few people who are staying on to do sixth form purely for the EMA. They have no interest in what they're doing, forge notes from their parents so they don't have to turn up but still get the money and the end of term bonus shenanigans, and are generally worse off academically because a vocational type course would've suited them better. I really don't think EMA was a great idea, to be fair. It may just be 'cos I'm pissed that while we were in the last year of sixth form the lower sixth were getting it as the first year who did, but we weren't allowed it, but if you think of the many, many thousands of people who've done A-levels who didn't need to be bribed into coming back, it seems a bit pointless. Judging from the lack of teachers and resources a lot of schools seem to be facing, not pumping money into student's wallets for no reason seems shit. I know some people rely on it for transport or whatever, but setting that up as a seperate grant for people who need to cover costs would be better than just giving everyone a shit load of cash.

Good work to people for their results though, one more milestone out the way :)

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Im fairly happy with these results, dissapointed with the D n tech but that was due to all our teachers leaving and new ones coming then leaving again so most of our class couldnt be arsed and so the average grade was pulled down. :(

Same with me, but in maths! We had a really good teacher, then he left. We ended up with this Spanish dude, was shite, then we had an okay teacher.

Aw well :mellow:

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We just didn't get a teacher at all for the last half of our AS year, and then no teacher whatsoever for the entire of our A-level year for Philosophy. Doing a 2,500 word essay with no idea what you're talking about is tech :P Much experience of it from here though ;)

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Yeah, perhaps I didn't make myself clear enough with what i was saying.

I don't believe EMA is a totally bad thing, it helps deserving people get through a levels who otherwise would have had to work. Hell, i was nearly able to claim EMA and would have done. However there are people who see going to a sixth form college, doing nothing and getting payed for it as the easy way out and this degrades the quality of education for those that want to work. It is the opinion of some that EMA is purely a government invention to keep people off unemployment, which is plausible.

And my comment regarding colleges with no entry requirements, this was in relation to people with poor gcse grades doing a levels so they can get a degree. As an example my cousin got shockingly bad gcses, went on to do a levels in media studies, travel and tourism, something else and got E's. She is now doing a degree in leisure, which from what I have heard sounds like a very easy course... This ties in with what Mr Westlake was saying above about the devaluation of degrees in employers eyes. Doing a worthwhile vocational subject at a college is a completely different matter and not something that I was criticising.

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