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Egg Fried Rice

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i've always liked to take pictures with my camera phone :$ and my digi cam and i love it.

But i now want to get into it as a hobbie and may take up a course at my college.

i see alot of people when i go out on big rides with cameras taking pictures and that and i noticed alot of people on the forum take alot of pictures and do phtography too.

i would like a few tips and stuff or any info about cameras etc etc and im a bit of a noob although my dad has alot of cameras SLR's (ancient ones :- )

i have a digital camera that i use to take a few pictures and that when im out but nothing special like i see when i go out on big rides with DLSR's

i have a olympus sp-500 uz :- its not bad lol but its good enough to take pictures.

i know the basics of photgraphy (i think) such as shutter speeds and there effects, apertures and stuff like that but im still a complete noob lol

thanks guys


Edited by J-KAY
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See if you can steal one of the old SLRs for a bit. How old are we talking here? If they're 25+ years old they might be a bit hard to get to work, but they shouldn't be too bad, and certainly good for practising "proper" photography skill like composition etc. People will tell you that you don't need an SLR for taking photos (and they're right) but I think holding an SLR makes you really want to take good pictures and they are much more "hands-on" than simple digital cameras. Try and work out how the SLR works and get a few films developed to see what's what.

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Word. Learning the basics on a film camera will give you a headstart, simply 'cos you have to think shots through more than you do with digital. When I was doing my photography work at A-level and I had to use a regular SLR (old Praktica, beast :) Saw one being sold with a year guarantee, lens and case for £20 at a shop in Swanage. So tempted...) I thought way more about how I was doing it than I do with my digital. The ability to just fire out a couple of test shots to see how it turns out is something which you can easily rely on too much.

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