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How Do I Un-buckle My Front Rim?

N Roach

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hey yo,

:o have a little buckle in my front rim, i see riders straightening their rims with the spoke tool, but don't know how exactly to do, so, How do i un-buckle my front rim with the spoke tool?

:rolleyes::lol: Cheers

Edited by chocolate_bikes
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Do like half a turn (180 degrees) on each one. (Y)

don't be reterdarded and do huge turns like dan says, do little turns and keepchecking the alaignment with the brakes (so theres the same amount of distance from the sidewall to the pad across the whole rim) don't overtighten the spokes either because you pull the hub and shift the rim about (makes more sence when you do it/see it working).

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don't be reterdarded and do huge turns like dan says, do little turns and keepchecking the alaignment with the brakes (so theres the same amount of distance from the sidewall to the pad across the whole rim) don't overtighten the spokes either because you pull the hub and shift the rim about (makes more sence when you do it/see it working).

Calm down dear, theres nothing wrong with doing half turns on the spokes, it all depends how lose/tight they are. Obviously if they are very tight then he wouldn't be able to do a half turn, if you keep doing tiny spoke adjustments then it will just take longer?

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Clockwise to tighten.

Actually, it depends whether the spoke is at the top of the wheel or not.. But it's a standard thread SO it's clockwise to tighten it (which means if the spoke is at the top of the wheel when you go to do it then you have to do it anti clockwise because obviously it's upside down)

Make sense?

Edited by nichols_sam
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Thanks for all the help given, my mate un buckle my rear wheel, but i still need the front un buckle :P

he told me to loosen the buckled side and tighten the the other side :blink:

Yeah, it makes the rim pull over easier if there's less resistance. i think :S

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You should be able to feel which way is tighter and which is untighten. I always remember that it always seems to be the opposite to what logic would dictate :P

Either way, don't just tighten/loosen one side. Do the opposite on the other side as well, this will ensure (hah, yeah right) that the wheel's up/down trueness will not be affected when you fix the side-side trueness. In theory.

And for the record, truing a thoroughly fubar'd rim is an artform. I broke to spokes the other night and had a right game getting the damned thing true again (without any replacement spokes). Pretty sure it's done my rim no good, but hey...

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