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New Frame


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I am thinking of getting a new frame soon when i get next months pay through, does anybody know which are the most flickable shortish frame/frames there are to recommend? i am 5ft8 so not the tallest 26" rider around, also has anybody gone from the older style Ashtons to a new frame and though gosh this is flickable and easy to throw around.



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I am thinking of getting a new frame soon when i get next months pay through, does anybody know which are the most flickable shortish frame/frames there are to recommend? i am 5ft8 so not the tallest 26" rider around, also has anybody gone from the older style Ashtons to a new frame and though gosh this is flickable and easy to throw around.



Sorry dude, but do a search. There are waaaay too many "What frame should I get" threads. See what people answered to all the others :blink:

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I would reccomend short 05 pitbull if you can still get them new or good condition second hand

What he said ! (Y):D the short pitbull is very flickable I had a go on my mate's pitbull and I could do some nice manual B) spins were quite easy too ! So I would go for that if you can find one :)

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ever thought of going from an old ashton to a new ashton!

one of the most fun bikes around IMO, its not too short at all, yet its got a 1055 wheelbase with a steep head angle, giving it the same reach as longer bikes.

IMO its about perfect for a nice mix of all sorts of riding.

very flickable, very nice to look at, and pretty cheap too!

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