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Shrewsburry Takes A Tumble


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a bit of gossip for y'all

last night Mr Shrewsburry took a bit of a serious tumble at bridgend skatepark.

Said he tried to manual some super high ledge but came down front heavy cutting his eye and dislocating his shoulder!

after the paramedic pumped john full of morphine they went for a little ride in the ambulance to the nearest hospital! Where doctors tried to figure out how to put his arm back in!

in the end the sent him home, but he has to go back into hospital today, if they cant manage to get in by hand they'll have to open him up!

so wish john luck, in the hope that he doesnt need an opp!


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As you can see from the pic, my shoulder bone is sticking out. .

Just got bk from the hospital, they said i've got to let the swelling go down which is under the bone, as i've disloged it. I did also cut my eye brow open which they had to glue bk.

They gave me pain killers, but they still dont do anything to help, Ive also got to be off the bike for the next 6 weeks. so it will fully heal. But i will be going bk in 3 weeks time to see if or not i do need an op.

Many thanks to all of you caring, and hopefully ill be bk on bike soon.

staples this dont mean i wont be out saturday day and nite with you guys.

laters and thanks again.

shrewers :D



Edited by John Shrewsbury
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Why does nobody tell me about these things! Shit man so so so sorry I didnt hear about this sooner! Bit shit me saying this maybe but im glad we rode when we did before this happened! Seriously hope everything goes ok and you're back in action soon, ill speak to u laters man! :kiss:


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As you can see from the pic, my shoulder bone is sticking out. .

Just got bk from the hospital, they said i've got to let the swelling go down which is under the bone, as i've disloged it. I did also cut my eye brow open which they had to glue bk.

They gave me pain killers, but they still dont do anything to help, Ive also got to be off the bike for the next 6 weeks. so it will fully heal. But i will be going bk in 3 weeks time to see if or not i do need an op.

Many thanks to all of you caring, and hopefully ill be bk on bike soon.

staples this dont mean i wont be out saturday day and nite with you guys.

laters and thanks again.

shrewers :D

thats typical jon!!!!

hope you get better soon man.

when i did my wrists i had to have an op on it, to put it back in place, but they dent cut me open, it was just a cane the b*****d back into shape any way possible!

if you do have to have the op maybe they will just do that!

hope you dont have to and hope you get well soon lad!

no more playing football against the spanish for a while then, they were very rough!


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