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Koxx A Or Koxx B

Ollie Histon

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I have the option of getting one of two Koxx's off my friend, the first is an 04 levelboss and is 1065, fairly old and used.

the second is an 05 1100 levelboss and was only used for 3 months.

Which do you all think i should get? thinking about which will ride better and also the conditions of both frames...


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Does your mum still wipe your arse?

Let me get this right, you want us to tell you which is better.

Does the fact that you say one is old and ridden, and the other is newer and only ridden 3 months not an indication as to which one would probably be better?

Given, the 1100 might be harder to learn on, but it''ll probobly last longer in the long run. I'd go for the 05 1100.

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WOOOOOOO Chill out. Since when was it illegal to ask for a bit of advice or help on here? I personally have never ridden either of the frames, whereas many of you may have ridden one of them or maybe even both, which is why i was just asking for a bit of personal opinion from people.

Jeeze Louise.

Edited by chunky
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Hey, that bike is PURE science.... even the seat tube affects the geo on it!

(well, so iv heard :P )

I take it you don't even know yourself what your talking about? If you do, please explain.

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Jake are you just really highly strung or something because you seem to be forever giving people a hard time, chill the feck out man!



Again, I would go for the 05 for many reasons, which have previously been mentioned.

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