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Riding On Your Own

Egg Fried Rice

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i ride by myself most of the time at my old school, i find it better :Slol

No one to disctract you n stuff, and i seam to be able to ride VERY well by myself :Slol

some of you might have noticed this at the newcastle ride.

you never seen me talkin to anyone, just riding around doing lots of cool stuff :DB)

Mark + mp3 player + bike = Happy Mark.

Marks just found the "+ =" button :P

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i always ride on my own or wiht my mates who skate. no one i know round my way (burnham/bridgy) rides trials. mind you its good because no one can show me up but i reckon i dont improve like i could because theres no one to push you. its not oo bad i can go out for ride for a few hours by myself quite happily, strap on some tunes and just go with the beat. its not so bad


Mate Ive just moved back to near bridgy and Ive met up with a few of the local guys already for a ride, there's quite a few of them! speak to yoyoyo on here, he's out with his bro quite a bit when they're about, and there's a lot of riders down taunton way aswell.

We need to all get out for a ride, is a laugh. It dont matter about being shown up or not, just come out and enjoy yourself! Im only just back riding after a year out so am struggling with the basics again :$

Back to topic: I dont enjoy riding alone much, hence why I hardly rode at uni cos was nobody else around to ride, and the last year was too busy with work :( Lost all motivation for it without others about...

Find it better riding with a group cos you can watch others and seems a good way to improve and pick up techniques, and also gives more motivation to try lines and objects that you might not have before.

Now everybody in the south west needs to keep pestering me to come out riding so I actually do!


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I don't mind riding by myself as long as I am somewhere quiet and by myself, I couldn't ride somewhere like leeds city centre on my own.

A school near my house was awesome (it had some awesome skinny lines too - wooden rails, it was fun riding them int rain) but that now has huge fences round it, to stop people getting in. So now my moviation to ride by myself has gone down a lot now I have to put some effort to get to places I can't be arsed...

I prefer small ish rides 2-8 people, so things don't get too crowded and you can have a laugh :)

Overall I enjoy the company...

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Hi, I ride on my own all the time (N) i hate it so much, some people like is as they don't get distracted because of people talking to the.

The only way i like to ride on my own is if i listen to music, but that soon gets boring as well.

Dude, you need friends..... quick! :lol:

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I don't mind riding on my own a couple of times a week just to practice things, but like leedstrials said, only if it's somewhere quiet. I prefer the rides when I'm with other people though, it's just more fun :) Also, the people I normally ride with (sexymike, davetrials, and cj) are better than me so they can teach me how to do stuff (Y)

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I don't mind riding on my own a couple of times a week just to practice things, but like leedstrials said, only if it's somewhere quiet. I prefer the rides when I'm with other people though, it's just more fun :) Also, the people I normally ride with (sexymike, davetrials, joe and cj) are better than me so they can teach me how to do stuff (Y)

You missed out me in that list of better riders than you :)

I just don't have the motivation to go out on my own, I'm strange

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BUt you gotta admit, that newcaslte ride was fricken im pressive...

When you coming back up here dude? need to ride!

oh yeah i like big rides occassionally and newcastle was awesome :)

Coming back up in a couple of months dude! I wanna nail that sidehop gap and that i killed myself on last xmas

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Yeah riding on your own is ok, but when you've got some mates riding with you it tends to give you a challenge or even some inspiration to what your going to do next. Riding on your own does tend to get a bit boring if your on your own! But hey its always good now and again!!!!!!!!!

Cheers Trialsjunkie99

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Yeah i really do, but the nearest person to me is 70 miles away,

Jesus man.... where do you live!

Ah`......... `isle of skye` that makes a bit more sence!

Wanna swap? I'm from Liverpool (N)

Oh` I'd bloody love it there! :-

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oh yeah i like big rides occassionally and newcastle was awesome :)

Coming back up in a couple of months dude! I wanna nail that sidehop gap and that i killed myself on last xmas

Awesome, was cool last time! and jordy is back riding :D so he will be out aswell, hopefully!

Have you downloaded my new vid yet man? riding at that gap :P

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