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Has Any One Got A Bike For Sale?


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:) Hi, i am new to trials and want to get into it, has anyone got a trials bike thats good for begginers?

if not, has anyone got any good tips for biking or places to bike for beginers?? if you do that would be great as i dont have many friends that do trials, only 1 that has just started. cheers. Ecko_joe :)

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I'm sorry......not my problem

red is not work, maybe we should try pink!!!

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I'm sorry......not my problem

red is not work, maybe we should try pink!!!

calm down, jeez. how ocme you have more posts than me but ur not validated yet?


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How long is a bit of string? if you suchj a budding TF expert you'll know why but this topic is nor the time or place so end of okay!!!

This happoen oo what 3 times daily

why are you arguing? leave the poor boy alone. You lot who have been signed up for a while get all stressy with us when we have just joined. You all act as if your computer wizzes. (N)

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why are you arguing? leave the poor boy alone. You lot who have been signed up for a while get all stressy with us when we have just joined. You all act as if your computer wizzes. (N)

Erm with the fact i'm an ES and sfotware testers for Intel, Asus, DFI, ATI, Nivida, PCP&P, OCZ, Corsair, and many many more to add i think i know my stuff so you shut it!

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Erm with the fact i'm an ES and sfotware testers for Intel, Asus, DFI, ATI, Nivida, PCP&P, OCZ, Corsair, and many many more to add i think i know my stuff so you shut it!


Quick, someone put it in their signature. The whole quote in signature thing isn't for me, so someone else snap it up while its hot. Go go go.

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And. . . . . . . . .

As has been said er rectly befor with a lengthy convo with Jt and my self on TF i no logner run a shop, just ride as a hobby i work for and as an ES tester be it soft or hard wear now whom gives me free pc gubbing from all manafactures to test!

Anyweay this topic can and should be closed

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Erm i no longer do anyhting bike shop wise so hsne the no pads now! I've done em and sold out of em!

I might if i get time do some and take along for some big rides if people want them they can init!

Errr when did this happem??

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