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Hey im running ZOO! bars and every time i put pressue forward to start riding there is a creak coming from the bars.

Does anyone else have or had this problem?

Is there something i can do?

Or do i need to consider new bars for the sake of my health?


OnzaBabe :P

to keep your face in place replace them

the creek is a warning sign u might have 2 years in them but u might just have 1 hour depends on how u ride and if u get it right or wrong but as a rule the creek is a warning

Edited by rids
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Mine does that too.. nearly two years old ! :o

That have been creaking like that since quite a few months ! and I must tell you that I love to got to front wheel a lot ! maybe it's gonna break or maybe not ! :P I don't have money to change them now so I will wait !

Edited by An_toin3
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oh my god New Members... Seriously, there fine, most peoples creek, it's something about the stem rubbing on the bars, needs some wd40 or something, and do them bolts up tight.



Listen to this guy (Y)

zoo baby!

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If you've checked it, and theres no cracks or signs of stress..... Whats the problem??? :huh:


oooooo the mysteries of life.... no, if you have checked it and tightended it and it was still creaking THEN you have to get it checked PROPERLY. also you might not be able to see what was causing the creak.

Edited by MaD CAt
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it could be many things.. check your ballraces are all greased up and smooth, and check for cracks from the handlebars al the way down to the bottom of the forks.. it might be some dodgy handlebars but its more likely to be a joint rather than a crack thats making the noise..

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oh my god New Members... Seriously, there fine, most peoples creek, it's something about the stem rubbing on the bars, needs some wd40 or something, and do them bolts up tight.



I May be a new member on trials forum but im definatly no new member to a trials bike.Thanks for the comments guys will try wd40-ing the clamp area later as i too dont have the money to buy bars atm and i cant just stop riding i love it!

Edited by onzababe
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I May be a new member on trials forum but im definatly no new member to a trials bike.Thanks for the comments guys will try wd40-ing the clamp area later as i too dont have the money to buy bars atm and i cant just stop riding i love it!

just adding to the list of people with creaky zoo bars who aren't dead.

Mine have done it since the moment I put them on (brand new - not 2nd hand) 6-8 months ago and are perfectly fine.

I think it's something to do with the weird silky finish on the bars - none of the painted or hard anodised bars I've used creaked

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I May be a new member on trials forum but im definatly no new member to a trials bike.Thanks for the comments guys will try wd40-ing the clamp area later as i too dont have the money to buy bars atm and i cant just stop riding i love it!

I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the guy who says you HAVE TO REPLACE THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO DIE IF YOU PUT ANY FORCE ON THEM AT ALL!!! Wooooo...

Zoo bars creek, most of them do, don't worry about it.


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Could check that the bar is evenly round with verniers and that the stem face plate isn't deformed. Have seen some that have opened up a little from impacts and replacement has solved it. Also that no sharp edges around stem at contact areas. Unlikely but have seen happen before and like you hate creaks, could be worth checking ? Good luck with solving it

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i have the scar of a snapped handelbars cuz i dent changer them most alloys don't bent so there is no warning of them going apart from the creek and yea the creek can be caused by loose bolts or movement in the stem but it could be moving in the stem because the metal is flexing more and more till it just gose and face onto stem and hand in wheel stings a bit

but at the end of the day if you don't mind the noise once you have checked every thing and you wana put some oil on it so u cant hear it thats fine but it wont stop it movin and the fact thats its moving is the problem

just wait see what happens if u want i can only speak from what i no and i've only been riding 15 years

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**Slightly** off topic, but my cranks creak like that aswell.

I've been told "put grease on the tapers", I haven't got any proper grease... Will dubs fix that aswell if spayed on the BB bit they go onto?



no, it won't cos it's a degreaser

go buy some grease - it costs about 20p a tube from your local bike shop


you are right - creaking is normally a sign of impending doom it's just that zoo bars are a bit of an exception, they creak straight out of the packet for almost everyone.

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I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the guy who says you HAVE TO REPLACE THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO DIE IF YOU PUT ANY FORCE ON THEM AT ALL!!! Wooooo...

Zoo bars creek, most of them do, don't worry about it.


Sorry wanst having a dig or anything :( I need glasses my apoligies for jumping to that conclusion.

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Slight bit of copper grease on the inside of clamp, file the edges of the clamp to get rid of sharp edges, do up tight and make sure the space at the top of the stem is equal to bottom (if its a 4 bolt clamp).


Word x 2000. It's the best way, really. Just make sure that you've greased the edges of the bar clamp after filing them slightly so they're not too angled, and you're all good basically. Some bars do just creak like bastards. If they're new or nearly new, then it's nothing to worry about. If they're pretty elderly then it may be an idea to just replace them if they keep creaking after you file/grease, but other than that you don't need to ditch a set of good bars simply 'cos they're a bit rowdy :)

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