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Greatest Scene In Movie History

Dr. Nick Riviera

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My 2 personal Favorites:

Film - Old Boy

Scene - Hammer fight.

Old Boy is fighting against about 20 other people, all he has is a hammer, and its in a small corridor.

Film - Warrior King

Scene - Entrance to the Enemy HQ

This is the Longest single shot choreographed Fight ever made.

Using only 1 camra, and no cuts. It lasts about 10 minutes, and you see Karhm fight his way from the ground floor to the top floor of a massive building (about 15 floors) and kicks the crap out of around 75-100 people.

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on the cliff? that was hilarious

ahahaha yes, i just watched it!

'in accordance with what we think your dying wishes may well have been'

and at the morturary 'Is there a ralph's round here?'

Infact that whole movies is full of great scene, especially the one with 'jesus.'

Edited by jake1516
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when e.t goes home :


on lawnmower man when the lawnmower chases that wife beater all around his living room :lol:


on The Fly 1 when he spews on that guy and his hand and foot melts (looks so real and cool) :turned:


on Back To The Future when Marty Mcfly breaks that kids scooter and invents skateboarding B)

come to think of it, they aren't the 'greatest' ever, but they are pretty damn cool.

oh and who can forget on Total Recall when they get sucked out into the atmosphere and they heads almost explode.

Edited by RicH_87
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The bit in the Bourne Identity when Jason grabs a shotgun and blows up the gas canister to create a giant smoke shield is pretty damn awesome. Oh, and when he kicks ass with a pen and a rolled up magazine. Both of the Bourne movies are full of moments that make me go "HELL YEAH MATT KICK SOME f**kING ASS"

The books are good too

PS. The third film, Bourne Ultimatum, is coming out soon

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Superman returns: At the beginning, where the guys shooting Superman with a machine gun thing, and all the bullets are bouncing off him. Then he shoots one at his eye, and it goes all slo-mo, and the bullet squishes flat, and falls to the ground.


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The Black Knight - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Airplane 1 or 2 I cant remember where the guy goes 'Ive got a drinking problem' picks up a glass of drink and pour it all over him self.

Or the bit where these two people are talking and one goes 'Surely you cant be serious' and the other goes 'I am serious.... and dont call me Shirley'


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I reckons on Scum where ray winston is going to do one of "the daddys" boys over, walks up to the pool table and grabs a ball mid game and slides it into a sock, says to the guys playing "carry on" real casual like.

Or, same film, goes to have a do with a guy... "wheres you tool" 'other guy' "what f**king tool!"... does him in with a pipe, "THAT FACKIN TOOL!!"


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City of the Lost Children : The chain reaction, the girls tear sets off. (resulting in a big boat crashing into the harbour, saving her life) - WoW!

The Good / Bad / Ugly : I can't remember what there waiting for.... but the scene at the end where the trumpet song goes on and on and on...etc! Oh` and the bit where `Blondie` leaves the BAD standing on the......chair / gravestone! "Blondie..... you £$%£% !"

Chopper : The ear cutting scene and many more!

Shawshank Redemption : When that faggot twat gets his comeupance.....and when Andy plays the opera track, stopping everyone in there tracks!

Donnie Darko : The whole god dam film! Ok...when he wakes up on the road and smiles, at the start of the film.... and the end. (yeah, the entire film)

Ride / Cassette : The bit where Rob Ridge is shouting "JESUS CHRIST" cause he can't nail a footplant tailwhip or something! hahaha, and the James Brooks trails section.

OK, that's the DVD's behind me......out!

Great thread, this could go on forever!

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I reckons on Scum where ray winston is going to do one of "the daddys" boys over, walks up to the pool table and grabs a ball mid game and slides it into a sock, says to the guys playing "carry on" real casual like.

Or, same film, goes to have a do with a guy... "wheres you tool" 'other guy' "what f**king tool!"... does him in with a pipe, "THAT FACKIN TOOL!!"


Naaaaah, best bit's when he goes "im the f**kin daddy now...next time, i'll f**kin kill you!!"

Amazing film, watched it about 6 times in the past week lol

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