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9-11 Truth?- It Will Make You Think Twice


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Lol, twins towers collapsing is abit strange, but the pentagon was deffinatly NOT hit by a passenger plane (Y)

It says about the passenger plane having 4, 6 tonne engines built from ti and steel, both of which will not just vapourize because of a little bit of heat from the fire, takes alot more heat to vaporize steel and Ti.

Also, that hole it left behind, a plane wouldn't have made that since the front end was made of carbon fibre and would have just shattered on impact.

It also said about a guy being thrown 100 foot backwards, only a shock wave from a rocket/ bomb would be able to cause that.

This is going to be a neverending thing now lol, arguments all around haha

Since when have planes been made of carbon fibre? Oh and a 757 only has two engines :P

Oh and i just found this on google, interesting reading: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/html4ever/02091...n.Pentagon.html

I just read what i wrote, its not suposed to sound arsey lol

Edited by tipsy Jock
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its not an argument, its a discussion....>_>

and the plane flipping thingy, i was basing my assumption on probable cause. The one where the rudder valve was reversed so the pilot pressed right and the plane flipped over left.

nvm, if you've flown a plane i'm sure you know whats more realistic.

however, i would of thought it was pretty hard to fly a plane into a building that in the sceme of things, is quite small (witdth wise), and especially into the pentagon, as it's so low you'd have to get it just right in order to hit it and not the ground first.....but then again, we all know it was a missle. :turned:

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taken me two days to watch it. Now you're going to appreciate my thoughts on it :P :

Firstly Im sitting on the fence overall. Some of the stuff I thought was true and there was sufficient evidence for it, I.E. the comparitvely tiny hole in the pentagon and no debris. On the other hand the crash of flight 93, the one allegedly in pennsylvania, maybe someone said something wrong to the news, maybe they wanted to be famous for confusing the world etc. shit happens in that way....

The american governement has definitly been suspicious. They were very quick to say "Bin laden" (I say Bin Laarrden, you say Bin Laiden) and bomb the crap out of afgahnistan. And the bit with all the photo's of the hijackers 24 overall minus the 9 that weren't actually there and had their passports nicked/lost/dropped etc takes it to 13.

And the cctv, that made me laugh actually. I wouldn't have given it to be honest I'd have just said "na it don't work mate" and kept it myself :)

Bah all the eye-witnesses were confused too. I still don't understand why the American's would commit mass murder, just to go to war with Iraq? or whatever the other reason was :S

still....good stuff...wasted an hour and a half of my life...thanks

EDIT: Oh and mad chikken, that video can't have been out ever since it happened, because it talks about stuff that happened in 2004 ;)

Edited by PaRtZ
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Since when have planes been made of carbon fibre? Oh and a 757 only has two engines :P

Oh and i just found this on google, interesting reading: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/html4ever/02091...n.Pentagon.html

I just read what i wrote, its not suposed to sound arsey lol

I said the front was made of carbon, asin the cone (Y)

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I don't know what really happened as there are things on both sides that i believe.

First, the idea of terrorism is to inflict terror/fear on people. Whats to say al queda didn't put bombs in the twin towers. They've made people afraid by boming the towers, but why stop there when you can get people afraid of their own government. If there were bombs then they just say, we didn't put them there, then America won't know who to believe. Surely that would be a goal for any terrorsit group.

Whoever said about the buildings not falling over with the impact of a plane. It's fact that the plane went into them, so unless i didn't catch your point (very possible) your wrong.

The pentagon is the only bit that makes me think twice, if it wasn't for that i wouldn't believe anything else said. But why would a government planning a terror act against their country, plan to blow up their towers, leave trails to other people. Yet forget that a missile would make mass enquires which it did. Perhaps all people saw was a normal plane flying by, and it's al queda using a missile to create a scared community amongst themselves. Probably not.

The Fbi garage video seems a bit shady, but then whats to say the owners of the garage weren't lying to get on tv, some people do wierd things to get on tv, including going on big brother.

I haven't seen any of the videos yet, so i'm not basing anything on them. So don't bite my head off. :turned:

But would you rather know that a government conspires against it's people to make money/go to war. Or believe all is good and happy. Just think, if they'd kill howerver many people they did, whats to say they wouldn't bump off people that didn't agree with them. ;)

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ive seen all the vids...and this one aswell


watch it.

inside job i say (Y)

oh my god, the grains of sand thing, holy shit.

i hate this world so much.

i knew about the 9/11 nomad drill thing, but i didn't know about london having the same thing. why don't they just come out and admit it, it's that obvious.

Edited by RicH_87
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oh my god, the grains of sand thing, holy shit.

i hate this world so much.

i knew about the 9/11 nomad drill thing, but i didn't know about london having the same thing. why don't they just come out and admit it, it's that obvious.

yep scary aint it (Y)

Bush and blair = The only terrorists in this world :P

Edited by JoeMaher
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nearley as f**ked up as space monkeys perspective on everything.

Just because i have an opposite view to you? no need to get arsey. If you want to start flinging your handbag around bring it to msn i have a nice gucci number waiting to be used. Peoples views on here are far too based on "the internet" research methods. It doesnt take a mastermind to write some shit on here and every tom dick and/or harry to take it as gospel. At the end of the day what happened is now done with and the war on terror has atleast lead to the freedom of iraq and has started sorting out the afghans. Whether you beleive it or not the iraqi people are happy to see british and american soldiers in their country, my friend phil is in the army and he said that being there really puts in to perspective how relieved the people are to have sadam taken down.

If you cant take someone elses view and discuss it properly good luck in life mate.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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maaaan these conspiracy theorys are as good as the plot in metal gear solid 2!

I do think the goverment is hiding somthing, or maybe the goverment are just pawns, there could be a higher secret organisation that controls what mr bush does! perhaps they also shot JFK? hmmmm, sounding a lot like metal gear solid actually.

I might go live in a cave on an island somwhere, then I wont have to worry about any goverments or rules again :)

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I do think the goverment is hiding somthing, or maybe the goverment are just pawns, there could be a higher secret organisation that controls what mr bush does! perhaps they also shot JFK? hmmmm, sounding a lot like metal gear solid actually.

There is supposed to be an organization like that. That all the big names have visited. So who knows, maybe there is.

Something like the Batturnberg, not that but it's similar, saw it on a program about secret society's like the masons and illuminati.

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Something like the Batturnberg, not that but it's similar, saw it on a program about secret society's like the masons and illuminati.

What a name...

IPB Image

Having watched the vid now, its pretty convincing. There are a few things they say that im pretty sure arent true, but still pretty thought provoking.

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Should have put it in best of the internet, it's going to get closed (N)

it hasent got closed has it now si-mon, this is old news people and i think that its true just like other shit like people going to the moon, the titanic, princess diana and all that bullshit there all COVER UPS.

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Just watched the first video.

Ive seen alot of conspiracy theories but that has to be the most compelling and convincing of the ones ive seen.

I didnt even know about the gold under the tower, crazy shyt.

Im still abit sceptical about the whole thing though, im not sure any government would want to do that to their own country but thats my opinion.

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