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Whats Your Job?


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At a point where im thinking about the future and i have absolutely no idea what i want to do :closedeyes: all people in my face all the time asking me about my plans and im just like :S everything is just constantly rollling forward and no matter what i do it wont stop woah (english for stop a horse) so i just want to know what it is you guys are doing studying, working etc and what your going towards so i can maybe steal your plans and adopt your life B)

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Im getting into a media school camera thing. Will be cool mayby. Take some photos and learn how to work with pictures and stuff.. Got like NO skills at all but can be fun :) but thats not my biggest dream.

What i really wanna do is start in a school somewhere in UK, get away from this place and find something on my own. Not easy but would have been fun...


Mayby some ideas for you


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Im working in the audio visual feild at the moment and I am heading to uni in london in april, and then after studying a film degree I will be doing a degree or a diploma in recording arts and get a job with the bbc or some media company. I had no idea what I wanted to do like yourself and I just one day realised that something I was doing I really loved and went for it which then lead me onto other things which I like. SO most important that you go for something you will not get bored of and be happy in rather than doing it for the money.

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Media studies, photography, video/film editing. Basically i am going into the "media" part, firstly i am off collage, then its probably off to university, but meh who cares, there's lots of cash in it, but not alot of riding time i suppose.


Correct expect to start having not a lot of time to yourself

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Going for diploma in Health and Safety. Although I intended on the army (IT and Comms), but due to my chest, I am unable to join for a while.

Ideally, I'd love to start my own business, but thinking of something unique is very difficult and I don't have any good skills...you know, ninja skills, hunting skills, computer hacking skills...

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I'm an Account Executive for a print management company, which basically means I buy and sell print for publishers (magazines, brochures, posters, flyers etc). Doesn't sound exciting but it's pretty interesting really and brings in a very decend wage, especially for someone who doesn't have anything more that a few GCSE's!


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Me im currently freelance video and sound engineer , but have calmed the freelance work down to do work in the local theatre to get a bit more of a consistant wage and then go to uni.

what the hell is a freelance video and sound engineer? and what qualifications do you need for that it sounds cool (Y)

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You need as many or as little as you want.I mean having stuff like electronics , physics and that helps but its not stuff that can't be learnt in the job.

I have just learnt my stuff as Ive gone along and specialised abit. It's more stuff like live video screens and stuff rather than making films and I also spend time in the local rock club doing live bands which I only started doing recently.


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I'm heading off to study Geology at Portsmouth Uni in October - hoping to branch off towards Petrology (looking for Oil) in my second or third year. Companies like BP and Esso are hiring Petrology graduates straight out of Portsmouth Uni and putting them in the US and New Zealand so it's my best ticket out of the country - plus Petrologists are in real high demand right now so it's a potential big earner too. Now all I need is the motivation and self discipline to actually do the work required for my degree.

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I know this sounds obvious, but you need to work out an end point. What do you currently do which you enjoy? What would you like to make a career out of? No need to be specific, but say you enjoy physics at school, then you can look into your options in that area - medical physics, engineering physics, pure physics - both in terms of future study and eventual work. Remember though, you don't need to be specific at your point in life, you just need an area to focus on, and you'll find out more about your options as you progress.

If you decide though that you want to do something more vocational, then it can be more advantageous to start working as soon as possible, and build up experience. To learn website design at uni is great, but some people will argue when you try to get work that someone with a degree will be in a worse position than someone who has a dozen live websites already running.

Also, don't make assumptions about future jobs. It may look glamorous to be a video guy, working at big concerts or whatever, but I'm sure other people will tell you that for 1 hour of glamour there are months of deadlines, hard work, late nights and competition for jobs in a market with more applicants than jobs.

Some people are lucky that they fall into jobs that give them satisfaction, other people focus on careers early and work through a field of interest, realise they've made a mistake and retrain.

Ultimately, find something in life that gives you some satisfaction, and be prepared to do some crap work initally to build upto better stuff later on...

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Worked in our local Somerfield for the past 2 years, 9 months. It's been good recently, lot of friends of mine work there, I'm good friends with supervisors and I just liked working there, really. Heading off to South Bank uni in September though to do a BA (Hons) Digital Photography degree. Can't wait :D

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