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I Was Just Wondering...

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I was thinking what would my riding be like if i dident take note from other people.

Like sidehopping the ''right'' way as people put it, and various other little things you take note and try and do. Personally i think my riding would be much much different as im always being told new ways too do things. Obviously theres neccesity things which you have too learn such as lowering your front end before a drop. I think this is going too be quite intresting what people have too say :).


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I think my riding would be utter shite, as opposed to merely poor. :D

Learning goes really slowly, for me at least, when I don't have something/somebody to copy/learn from. I might be more unique, but I think I'd still be trying to figure out how to pedalkick.

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I think my riding would be utter shite, as opposed to merely poor. :D

Learning goes really slowly, for me at least, when I don't have something/somebody to copy/learn from. I might be more unique, but I think I'd still be trying to figure out how to pedalkick.

Yeah, I have always got somebody on my back telling me better ways of doing things or getting round something, I rmeember a couple of years back when i used too ride YMSA competions (off which i hope too start doing again) i used too learn so much, all the more experience riders telling me tips like when doing a static keep the back brake of with the front still on to create a spring like effect too give you more bounce too go higher.

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I think if i rode with people like Danny Butler and Tom amesbury alot more then i would be alot better for the time ive been riding, they usually give me tips on my technique when i'm out riding and it does help alot. Although admittidly if i hadn't of rode with any of them at all, i would be utter tripe on a bike, i always ride with my mate Dave which i believe makes us both ride better, because we will both try something and one of us needs to get it before the other :P . Then when one of us does eventually get whatever it is were trying to do the other needs to do it to match the other. (wow headache :S ) Like me and Mr. Daniel Kearns the other week trying to rear wheel this wall in my home town, both of us were getting close, but it was like a competition :P So basically without other people to ride with your going to take ages to devalop the correct technique for any move that your trying to do, and the more people you ride with the faster your going to learn, or not so much the more people you ride with, its the more experienced riders that you ride with that will help you learn and get the correct technique.

Hmmm my longest post yet? :rolleyes:

Edited by Barber
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I think if i rode with people like Danny Butler and Tom amesbury alot more then i would be alot better for the time ive been riding, they usually give me tips on my technique when i'm out riding and it does help alot. Although admittidly if i hadn't of rode with any of them at all, i would be utter tripe on a bike, i always ride with my mate Dave which i believe makes us both ride better, because we will both try something and one of us needs to get it before the other :P . Then when one of us does eventually get whatever it is were trying to do the other needs to do it to match the other. (wow headache :S ) Like me and Mr. Daniel Kearns the other week trying to rear wheel this wall in my home town, both of us were getting close, but it was like a competition :P So basically without other people to ride with your going to take ages to devalop the correct technique for any move that your trying to do, and the more people you ride with the faster your going to learn, or not so much the more people you ride with, its the more experienced riders that you ride with that will help you learn and get the correct technique.

Hmmm my longest post yet? :rolleyes:

Ahhhh yes nath, but.....who got it first ? B) lmfao.


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