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Why Is The Trials Scene So Small/crap?


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  Onzaboymark said:

BMX is different to trials just in the way you've got to constantly learn new stuff to progress, whereas with trials you learn the basics then just try and do it better and bigger.

But in trials you have to do bigger, otherwise no-one cares about it. :P

Imagine the response of the next zoo vid if it was all smaller gaps and sidehops. ^_^

I'm not saying theres no skill in bmx, just that in the vids it's all riding fast. Just makes you wonder that when they hop over stuff for a gap. How much of it is the speed, and how much is the actual riders technique.

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That's what I mean though, BMX is evolving now. Fakie tricks are on the increase, and all the new really tech street stuff is kicking off. There are different facets of BMX in the same way there are different facets of trials. Not everyone goes out and fires out massive Tunni/CLS-esque gaps, in the same way not everyone does Jimmy Levan style 2-storey drops. But yeah, videos are changing now and there's a lot more tech stuff on the go these days.

Speaking from experience, you've still got to have the technique to do bigger gaps. Speed does help, but being able to hop well is a lot better. Especially when it comes to doing 180 or 360 gaps, too, or adding tricks into it.

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It's technical, but in a different way I guess. With some of the fakie or front-wheel based tricks a lot of street riding BMXers are doing now, they still require a shitload of bike control ('specially seeing as the vast majority of BMXers have at most 1 brake, and in many cases today none)? I suppose they're too different to compare :-\

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But bmx'ers are hard as steel, they don't worry about what they are about to do. If they fall off they just go "Yeah, one for the bails tape" and do it again.

With trials you have all the waiting around, while you prepare. So your nerves go right up.

I am now forgetting what my point was going to be, so... it was gonna be something about the brakes thing and need for control on a bmx.

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That's the same sort of stereotype about BMXers as they have with "Lycra wearing fag trials riders" though :P

When I switched from trials to BMX, I found that the main difference was overcoming fear. With BMX, you're rolling towards a move, and you've got a lot of time to bitch out or to f**k up. With trials, if I was about to do a big gap or whatever, I could just sorta switch my mind off and just fully focus on the move for the split second you need to kick the gap or whatever, and it almost seemed easier to keep it together? I guess that could be 'cos I started with trials so I was used to the mindset, but it does seem like you've got a lot more time to think about stuff going wrong on a BMX as you're going up for a move...

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  ad101 said:

talking of going pro and spreading gospels etc....i hear andrei B is going "pro"(ish), as in being paid by Devon (i think) council to ride schools and events etc next year..

that kind of stuff could bring trials to LOADS of people...


Havn't I seen him throw a number of hissy fit's in videos? Hardly a perfect ambassador...

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  mat hudson said:

whats wrong with posts that are short and to the point? am i missing somthing here? i REALLY cant be assed reading 90% of these massive works of literature.

You think these are massive works of literature? I'd avoid books then...

I think this is part of the problem. A lot of trials riders are so used to having stuff handed to them, that cheap frames are available, tutorials easy to come by, videos provided ad nauseum.

Trials used to be about adapting what you could to fit the purpose of trials, scrounging around for any odd article about it in magazines, and subscribing to obscure mailing lists on the 'net to learn about what team ORB are upto, or how the next Monty X-Lite was different from the last.

Trials is fundamentally about analysis and thought. What makes this frame better than that? How can I get through this section? How can I ride this differently? Maybe it's a TGS thing, that people don't look or think beyond the apparent or obvious. That's what separates the good from the great...

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with half the arrogant wankers on here, why the F**K do you think its not getting bigger. simple answer to the question. :sleeping:

BTW short and simple post for the people that dont understand and cant read. :o

2nd bit of your post i totally agree with chris. (Y)


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  Waynio said:

with half the arrogant wankers on here, why the F**K do you think its not getting bigger?

simple answer to the question.

now it is :)

And i for one never said that its getting smaller. I just think it'd be shit when trials is big (N)

Also wayne short posts are better because you get the point across better. When was the last time you had a news headline that was worthy of printing in shakespeares work of arts? And post size isn't the topic here anyway....

Also trials will be getting smaller in some parts of the country due to a variety of factors eg: more/stricter authorities, nothing to ride, no support to ride etc. Just because its getting bigger near you (and also around my area too) doesn't mean its going massif everywhere

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this is bollocks the fact is our sport is always going to limited because its expensive you need somewhere to do it. often people dont even understand the raw idea of trials and it doesnt exactly look that exciting unless your pulling your biggest move. trials also hasnt got any media coverage that anyone outside of trials has any idea about so suck it up ladies and go with the flow

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Trials is only publised properly through comps, Comps dont push the sport at all. There is only a group of riders who actually do comps. And that never changes. If Trials was taken to publising the street which is what trials is all about! pushing the sport through street riding then we'd get alot more publicity. The Fact people only put vids on this and observed trials isn't really going to help matters. Anyways why complain? Trials in Spain is massive! its on TV. But trials isnt about results. Id rather see a dick ed massive drop then few tech lines followed by a results chart. Thats not how trials should be publised and im ashamed to say thats how it is.

Its like Comparing Dirt jumping and street BMX, Street is alot bigger! and the culture of it is wider.

Edited by Mr_Pitbull
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  Mr_Pitbull said:

3 words.


2 words, 2 numbers. :-:P

I can't see trials getting any media attention anyway. The best would be at half three in the moring on channel 5. Or on the extreme sports chennel, but then not everyone has sky. You don't even see skateboarding or bmx'ing on tv really, and most of the time, if you do it's on the news talking about vandals.

The reason most people know about skateboarding and bmx'ing is because they see it in the streets. But then they have their steriotyping of the riders. Bmx'ers as chavy vandals and skateboarders as hooligans.

At least thats the way it is round here, and the police have to respond to that. So maybe it's better that trials is smaller and less noticed.

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  Mr_Pitbull said:
Trials is only publised properly through comps, Comps dont push the sport at all. There is only a group of riders who actually do comps. And that never changes.

To be honest, comps push the sport a lot more than street? Street's just taps gaps and sidehops in about 95% of the videos out there, unless they're really BMX-y styled. You look at most of the (for example) MJCycles vids or similar and they're just TGS, with some front wheel stuff on rails. In one comp section, you may be forced to tap, gap or sidehop, but your bike control's going to be tested more by the terrain, you'll be forced into possibly doing stuff to your bad side, and so on. There's a lot more pushing the sport and riders there? It seems comp riders are the ones who come up with all the newer moves like hooks, moves to front and so on 'cos they need to do them in sections. I just reckon that the technical nature of the sport and new moves will more often come from comps rather than people on street. I agree with you about the way it's represented though; I suppose that's 'cos it's easier to document one big drop gap rather than 20 sections or whatever. Either way, comps still definitely have their place :)

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I'm missing the point but IMO the trials scene is too big. It was once a unique sport. Now it's not unique anymore because it's too popular. I'm happy with having only a few riders in my city. At least we know each other and say "hello" and shake hands when we meet....

I was shocked this year by the fact that in the UK people treat each other as machines which perform certain moves on their bikes. Very few people are willing to ignore the skills of the rider and understand that he's a person with a character and feelings.

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Comedy replies from Wankio

My 2 pence

Why would you want trials to be bigger? From observation, sport becomes more popular, more people get involved, big companies see the potential and start to invest and everything becomes mass marketed and 'MTV' like. Next thing you know, you have some bint with a chronic tit job being all 'super' and 'amaaaazing' whilst some kid with loads of piercings falls of an oil drum pulling a 'gnarly move'.

Examples - Freeriding, Freestyle Motocross. Both are now comedy to watch just for the sheer amount of cheese spouted everytime it's on TV.

Keep trials small, keep companies rider-owned and keep the dick-heads out.

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