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New Video - Adam Macbeth And Myself.


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Some of you may have seen this over at OT.net but it's getting a good response so I thought I'd share it with the peopel who don't venture over to that forum.

Adam and a whole bunch of other guys came down last weekend for a competition. This footage is just of us two riding in to the city before meeting up with everyone else. I should have continued filming but didn't, no good excuses.

It is short, 57 seconds long but only 5mb so probably worth the download. I enjoyed editing it and tried to do interesting things without distracting from the riding. Tell me if it stinks. It will hopefully be worth a few views to pick up everything I've done.

Go to http://canberratrials.com - the link can be found on the home page or in the videos section. You may need VLC player.

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Thanks for the quick reply! I know short videos are less tempting to download.

I made the cars go backwards the same way I made the two riders appear on the screen at once (at around 14 seconds (They were not riding at the same time but I didn't want to use the same angle twice so I edited them together.) and at 31 seconds how I made the shadow go backwards. I don't think I did too many other things worth noting in the video.

To do most of the effects I used the crop function in Premiere Pro. I don't know if this tool was in 6.5 but I seem to be able to do a lot more in Pro than I used to be able to do when using 6.5.

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ok....really good vid that especially the fight club bit 10 second in(edward norton holding a fight club bar of soap!!)


or even 30 odd seconds in when one of their shadow goes backwards on the other wall


edit...he already said about the shadow lol

Edited by trialsalot
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The reason there hasn't been a number 14 is because my computer has stuffed up multiple times - there was sime very good shit going down. I now have a new one that seems reliable so hopefully I won't encounter any more problems. I need to get everyone back into riding as well, and I find it really hard to save up footage for one really good video, it takes ages and I probably wouldn't want to put out videos of the bits that didn't make it.

I'm not making any promises but I would like to put it out as much as you would like to see it, I'm just not making any promises at this stage.

Thanks for the comments everyone! It looks like this kind of editing is the way to go for the future.

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Very well edited, really good camera and compression quality and the riding was nice to see as well! i miss the canberra vids they were something i used to wait for to come out back in the day. Bring them back! the last one was truley amazing to watch.

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i was just looking in the HD vid thread .. and JJ said about the guywho released the vid having a new hd camera and probably really excited about it etc but he destroyed the fact it was hd with the wank editing. Then i remembered how awesome your filming and editing is. So.. to put this blunt. BUY A HD VID CAM pleaseeeeeeeee!!! not wanting to bum you too much but you would seriously do the camera and the whole technology justice. Your videos just scream for HD! please please please pleaseeeee

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Thanks Spacemunkee, those are very kind words, really encouraging! I'd love an HD camera but I don't see the point for the web at this stage, since it still has to be compressed. I would invest in one now if I filmed enough to gather copious amounts of footage that I could use for a DVD or something but I can't even make a 4 minute video these days.

I am slightly interested in a camera with more functions though, so if I do get a new camera at some stage it would most likely be HD so in a few years...we'll see.

Thanks again for all the comments everyone, it's great!

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i loved that video all the effects were amazing i missed a couple of them, like the picture flashing up and when i went back to watch the one of the shadow going the other way i noticed that part of the rear wheel dissapears into thin air, made me laugh as i never watch a video that closely but that was truly a peice of art

good work man! Hope to see some more and i will keep my eyes peeled


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I know this is old by now but for anyone that liked the video but noticed that it was too light or that the editing was dodgy with part of the tire getting chopped off at 29 seconds (Thanks Joe, I hadn't noticed that!), then there is a new version up.

I bought a new monitor which can actually distinguish grey from black so editing should be better from now on.

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