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Disc Brake Problem Or Is It?

Egg Fried Rice

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i was riding my friends bike today and i was just pulling the lever on his hope disc brake but when the disc is at one point the lever is harder to pull then when i moved the front wheel to another positon the lever goes soft :blink:

its like soft the hard, soft then hard but then it just went soft permantly

anyone else have this problem?

my friend said the "tpa" the little screw came loose but this should happen right?



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Mine does it on my M4, needs a bleed me thinks, even when I dont turn the wheel, if I just stand and pump the lever, it goes easy then hard then easy then hard and hard and harder and harder and harder annd sihd;gal.....

Try bleeding it.

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Yeah mine had the whole lever mushiness, a little bit of pumping and it seems to cure it for a minute or two, but after you've bled it properly it doesnt have any mush and feels much more powerful and responsive.

Give it a bleed, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes.

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