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How Do I Make A Harsh Grind?

Egg Fried Rice

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right, i want a grind on my new bike but i want a fairly harsh grind.

someone said you should really dig into it and someone else i know said u shold do it lightly so the grinder "bounces" off the rim and creata better grooves.

so all i need to know is what angle to hold it at and how hard to do it?

thanks very much

im sorry if theres lots of posts about this but theres too many posts to look through


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Harshest grind I've had, was when my mate used a grinding disc, instead of a cutting disc.

Lastes aaaages! with my CRMs.

Oh, point the grinder upwards, vertically, so the side of the disc hits it. and just rub round.

Try that? :ermm:

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Hold the angle grinder at different angles to get different types of grinds, the closer the grinder is to 90 degrees the harsher it will be.

oh and also........you dont need to push hard with the grinder on the rim, i dont find there is any need.


Edited by identitijudge05
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OK heres my tip, and i think iolo does his this way too

Get the wheel in a truing stand or similar with tyre + tube off

Set it spinning a bit

With goggles on put the grinder on PARALELL to the wheel to get it spinning at 11,000 rpm (or whatever your grinder does)

NOW grind it and perpendicular or similar

I use a grinding disc btw :)

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