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I clicked on the member link at the top and and noticed that there was a member who had done 0 posts LINK and i thought they must of made a mistake then i went to the bottom of the page and wnt on validating on the first click down bar and clicked go and noticed the same quite a few times LINK1 LINK2 and LINK 3 there are a few more and please could someone tell me why they are being validated with no posts.

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Link one: Last Active 22nd September 2004 - 10:43 PM

(before the validation system was started)

Link two: Member Group: Validating

(e-mail not valid, rather then a New Member)

Link three: Member Group: Validating

Link four: Member Group: Validating

Stop trying to beat the system or something.

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does it mater if they made any posts or not its only because you aren't validated that you are pointing this out.

just try to get your self validated other than spending your time on pointing silly stuff out like that.


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oh my god.....this is a bit s**t....i put some pics,vids,topics.....and they are members without put nothing.... (N)(N):blink: ....I think that is not normal..... (N)

(sorry for my english .....)


No normal member has ever been validated with no posts. The only ones who have, are company representives who will more then likey e-mail Tom or Danny and notify them they are joining, or have signed up, so they can then be validated and post in news.

The ones i showed up there, i showed for a reason, those people were not validated, it was BIG L not having a clue.

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its not up to you who get validated, it is their forum so they can validate people if they know them for being sound without needing proof from posts.

don't worry about it mate you will be validated soon enough (Y). but making a topic like this wont make a difference.


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