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Onza T-pro Wheelbase


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I should hopefully be getting into Trials soon, I've ordered an Onza-T Pro ( Maybe a bit of an overkil for a beginer? ) and I was wondering what the wheelbase is on it? Onza's site doesn't mention any specs for the bike - so I found some on Tarty Bikes but it still didn't mention wheelbase.


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Oh right, cool - that's longer than I expected which is good because my only concern with getting a mod trials bike is that it will feel like a BMX. 3 Days till my Onza T-Pro comes =) Can't wait :rolleyes:

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Oh right, cool - that's longer than I expected which is good because my only concern with getting a mod trials bike is that it will feel like a BMX. 3 Days till my Onza T-Pro comes =) Can't wait :rolleyes:

No mod feels like a BMX, they are TOTOALLY different specifications, in geometry, lightness and design....

And the Wheelbase with standard forks is 1025mm.

Mine is currently 1034 with Echo Team forks :)

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Oh yeh I know the geometry is completly different from a BMX, I was just on about the length/wheelbase feeling like a BMX. So the wheelbase is 4cm smaller than my On-One Gimp street bike then =)

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