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Brake Pads That Make The Most Noise!

Egg Fried Rice

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Same with me most bikes do it when they are new the funny thing is is that the neighbours have complained and it sounds like a train. It cracks me up!


I always reckon it sounds like a flock of pissed off and exceedingly vocal geese, especially if there's a load of you.

Unless you've got Monty milk pads in which case it sounds like somebody rubbing two massive bits of polystyrene together.

And IMO I think the single most deciding factor on how noisy your brakes are is the state of the rim (how much cack is on it).

Bolt tightness and booster choice/setup comes in a close second.

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I've just built up a new bike and put some of my blue pads on with a fresh grind..... I can't remember my brake being this loud before. Just lightly dragging the brake it sounds like a pack of seals yelping!

A loud brake inspires confidence but annoys your neighbours!


yeah my blue heatsinks with a grind are pretty noisy!i love a loud brake. its a good horn when riding through town and you want people to move out of your way!!hehehehe :lol:

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