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My Car Crash


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If hes going to do that, do it on his own with no others in the car to harm.

Simple (Y)

I dont think anyone plans to crash their car.

Maybe I should never let anyone travel in my car just in case I have a crash?

Anyway, glad your all ok! Especially you George, the last thing I want to do anywhen soon is go to another funeral for a trials-forum user...

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I dont think anyone plans to crash their car.

Maybe I should never let anyone travel in my car just in case I have a crash?

Anyway, glad your all ok! Especially you George, the last thing I want to do anywhen soon is go to another funeral for a trials-forum user...

Noooo, i didnt mean never have anyone in his car, but if hes going to arse about then why endager passengers if you get me?

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Cut out all the shit driver comments guys - I'm sure he's learnt his lesson and doesn't need it constantly rubbed in.

Glad everyone was ok - I thought it was bad flying over the back of a car 2 weeks ago, this brings it home.

I've been in a similar crash, nowhere near as bad and that put the wind up me so you're must have been bad!

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Cut out all the shit driver comments guys - I'm sure he's learnt his lesson and doesn't need it constantly rubbed in.

i wont cut them out. learn a lesson?! he could have f**king killed someone!! no one has the right to put someone else in danger until they learn to do things safely.

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Thankyou for all your kind words.

I mostly agree with what's been said by several people, as do the police. He is being charged with dangerous driving, and its been worked out by the accident investigators that he was doing 50mph on the corner when he lost control. I don't know how fast that makes it when we hit the tree, but I know we didn't have long to stop, and I certinally don't remember hearing the brakes lock up.

It has certainly shit me up, and I wasn't even the one driving, so I have no idea what he is going through. I agree that he shouldn't have been driving like a dick, but we all know everybody does it...just this time we got caught out. I'm more than sure he's learnt his lesson. Seeing his girlfriend trapped in the car destroyed him. Hell, it broke my heart, and I'm not the one who's been with her for four years.

I'm looking forward to being able to walk and breathe properly again, because at the minute, my insides are so bruised, I have to walk like an old man, and it hurts to breathe and laugh :(

I know Ami's gone back into hospital again today to be plastered up, and I am going round her's tomorrow, so I'll send her all your good wishes.

Thanks again...means alot.

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Thankyou for all your kind words.

I mostly agree with what's been said by several people, as do the police. He is being charged with dangerous driving, and its been worked out by the accident investigators that he was doing 50mph on the corner when he lost control. I don't know how fast that makes it when we hit the tree, but I know we didn't have long to stop, and I certinally don't remember hearing the brakes lock up.

It has certainly shit me up, and I wasn't even the one driving, so I have no idea what he is going through. I agree that he shouldn't have been driving like a dick, but we all know everybody does it...just this time we got caught out. I'm more than sure he's learnt his lesson. Seeing his girlfriend trapped in the car destroyed him. Hell, it broke my heart, and I'm not the one who's been with her for four years.

I'm looking forward to being able to walk and breathe properly again, because at the minute, my insides are so bruised, I have to walk like an old man, and it hurts to breathe and laugh :(

I know Ami's gone back into hospital again today to be plastered up, and I am going round her's tomorrow, so I'll send her all your good wishes.

Thanks again...means alot.

Bad luck, and I hope you and the lady heal quickly.

As for your mate, well, he's got it on his conscience. I just hope he's not one of these twatty chav's that shows off about it to his mates about and continues to drive like a w@nker. From what you've put, this would appear not to be the case. Fingers crossed eh

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Boon, I wasn't sticking up for him - we all know what idiot drivers do - hell, I got knocked off 2 weeks ago by a willy that didn't use his rear view mirror before slamming out of a space backwards, all i'm saying is if he's a decent guy he's probably going through hell seeing his partner in bits and probably realises what he's done.

I never said what he did was right.

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Was round Ami's yesterday. To be honest she looks a f**king state, but she seems to be happy enough considering the pain she's in.

I was hoping to be back at work at the begining of next week. But if I stand up for more than 10 minutes, I feel really light headed, so I guess I'm still concussed or something. Not so good.

Sent her all your best wishes, she was very thankful. The amount of flowers and chocolates the girl has is quite unbelievable...she's a very popular young lady!

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Hows the driver coping with it all?

Just take it easy for a few weeks, if your concussed. Head injuries are supposed to be the worst, so be careful and make sure your completley better before you go back.

And it's good that Ami seems to be ok mentally concerning what she went through.

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Driver's not too bad. Bit messed up in the head, as you would be...but he's getting better. I think he feels bad that he's not hurt like the rest of us, which is fair enough.

Thing that's pissing me off though, when I was round ami's yesterday, he was like looking for attention, and kept getting in moods when he didn't get it. Almost like he's jealous that he's not hurt.

Ami will be fine. She's hard as nuts. Wil ltake more than this to dampen her spirits!

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Hey really sorry to hear about that, hope everything gets sorted soon and you're all on the road to recovery!

Can I just say to everyone bitching about "people like that" because everyone will do it at some point or another, things like this happen, going at 40mph in a 30 can still end up getting you killed, okay it was stupid, i'm pretty sure everyone involved realises that, you don't need to go on about it because odds are you either showed off a little bit and got a bit racey when you pass/ed you're tests, or will do in the future with other cars, it's what happens!

Anyone, hope everything goes smoothly!


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When I first passed my test I did race around like a penis for a while (and even spun the car a couple of times) the difference being I only did it when I was alone. I drive very safely when others are in the car, only because I couldn't live if they died and I didn't.

I'm not having a go at all by the way, looks like a bad accident and I'm glad everybody is alive.

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When I first passed my test I did race around like a penis for a while (and even spun the car a couple of times) the difference being I only did it when I was alone. I drive very safely when others are in the car, only because I couldn't live if they died and I didn't.

I'm not having a go at all by the way, looks like a bad accident and I'm glad everybody is alive.

Yeah but just because your on your own in your car it dosnt mean you cant hurt someone comming to other way, spinning into them for example. Not saying im the most sensible driver in the world because im not, i think most people have that period after theyve passed where they want to show off a bit, i span my first car, i learnt from it though and havnt done it since.

Your concussion sounds nasty george :S good to hear everyone is on the road to recovery though and at least you get some time off work :P

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In my apprenticeship scheme at British Aerospace, 63/65 of the apprentices are all lads. Im the oldest there at 19.... So everyones passing their test and being on reasonable money, which increases steeply. There are alot of young lads with relatively powerful cars. So our work sends everyone to a Drive To Survive course in the local constabulary. I tell you, you see some horrific pics and vids on it. They said that when your about to crash, a driver will steer away from the thing their about to hit instinctively meas the passeger usually hits first meaning they are hurt and the driver is not. So so common. And horrifying.

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