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Paint Stripping


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I saw some other links of people showing off there striped frames. I really liked the effect it gave. So I was keen on doing the same to my bike.

Looking on the other links I heard stores of people saying that you use a angle grinder to get the effect. I thought this was a bit rash using a wire brush on a piece of aluminium could probably do a lot of harm. I read one guy used “Nitromors“. this was the stuff I used.

“Nitromors” is quite dangerous stuff. Goggles, old cloths, maybe a mask. And do it outside to. Is recommended.

Its quite simple to use and takes about ten minutes.

Tip : - I think the stuff is acidic (can some back this up). Aluminium has a poor tolerance to acid so using Nitromors on it will probably weaken the frame. So make sure when you are finished taking off the paint, that you rinse the frame well. I sprayed it down with the hose for about 10mins.

I would show i pic but cant paste it in.

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Have you polished that up yet ? i would, i recommend using something called autosol chrome cleaner if you don't want to buy that , you could always hunt in the garage for a bit of t-cut that does the job fine aswell.

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here link to the frame... http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p...2&members=1

caustic soda is a akaline not a acid. and people have mentioned using angle grinders and drills on this forum when stripping frames. And if nitromors is acidic then it is harmful to Aluminium.

They use them after they have stripped the frame..along with one of the buffing mop things....it's so you don't have to do it all by hand.

zoo baby!

p.s i thought alkaline's were harmless and didn't burn things :S

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picture of my stripped monty is in my sig. i dont think you need to put laqua on as ive been told that aluminium dosnt rust? and i didnt bother wire wooling/ buffing mine, i didnt have the time but still looks ok. if you nitromorse something whilst been fully clothed (trousers, long sleeved top ect) and wear goggles and gloves nitromorz isnt very dangerous at all unless you do something stupid by like drinking it

frame looks good

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Ahh, thank you for posting the picture in forum. That "aircraft stripper" sounds intresting considering planes are made from Aluminium. I will do some research on it.

The frame is a T-comp if you look inside the head tube you can see some blue paint^^.

I dont no if it is worth buffering the frame. Aluminium oxidises pretty quickly so wont it be pointless. Also while i am on finishes, i was thinking about putting a clear gloss on the frame, maybe i could buff it first then put the gloss on.

Oh and Zoo i dont no where you got

"and the acid is called caustic soda" i made no referance to caustic soda. Caustic soda and "Nitromors" are too different things.

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Get some clear laquer made up with a hint of blue paint added, will look ace!

Think its about £10 a can from halfords if you get it made up.

Obviously, polish it up before you apply to get rid of any aluminium Oxide

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IPB Image

what frame is tht???

T-comp, notice the blue bit inside the headtube ? so it obviously was not a t-mag, because they obly ever come in white or yellow.

I have also seen a t-mag strriped down, just like the one in your picture, his looked abit shinier (sp?) than your, but meh, perhaps it was polished.


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  • 7 months later...

So long as you're wearing goggles Nitromors is fine, using outside is a good idea too unless you like getting high off the fumes. Stripped a door using the stuff, just don't wear shorts as it hurts your legs!

I read in another thread that it damages welds, and so voids your warranty.

Aluminium won't rust, the surface will oxidise so if you want a shiny polished surface then the lacquer coating will help keep this.

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So long as you're wearing goggles Nitromors is fine, using outside is a good idea too unless you like getting high off the fumes. Stripped a door using the stuff, just don't wear shorts as it hurts your legs!

I read in another thread that it damages welds, and so voids your warranty.

Aluminium won't rust, the surface will oxidise so if you want a shiny polished surface then the lacquer coating will help keep this.

I'm sure he's not bothered anymore it was done nearly a year ago after all :lol: .

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