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Magura Lever?


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As i got to the end of my days riding i noticed the screw that tightens and loosens the lever blade kept on coming loose it came loose 4 times on my left lever. The thread hasn't gone in the bolt fitting in the lever body because i can still tighten it up and i think it may be i was practicing my manuals down stuff and when i press the break it makes a loud noise and vibrates the bike as it usually does and i have an idea it may vibrate the screw loose, is that the problem? or does anyone now why this is happening or how to fix it?

Edited by BIG L
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It happens on left hand levers, the way you pull the lever undoes the bolt, ever so slightly. not normally a problem, but when the thread and bolt are well used/old/slightly worn it gets a big problem.

Use threadlock on the bolt and leave it overnight (dotn do it up too tight, make sure the lever can move) and youll be fine!

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