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Just Starting Out? Dont Want To Spend So Much Money On A Bike?


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I've been around a few forums now and i'm sick of people saying things like you need to spend about £500 - £1000 for your first bike.... (N)

for one most people out there don't have that much money to spend on a bike, well most of your out there don't even have £1000 to your name (not calling any one just saying a fact). Theres always christmas to get a bike right? but thats just under 5 months away.... and are your parents really going to pay out £1000 for one bike?

didn't think so (this isn't an opportunity for little shits to state how much money there mummy and daddy spend on them at christmas... so don't start).

So yeah... you want to start trials, don't want to spend £1000... heres a list of bikes that do the job just fine from £199.99 which is hardly hitting the bank.

Saracen Mad 2 Six Bike (2006) link to bike

Price: £239.99

Saracen Mad 2 Six Hydraulic Bike (2006) link to bike

Price: £399.99

Saracen Mad 2 Zero Bike (2006)

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Price: £199.99

Saracen Mad 2.Zero Bike (2005)

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Price: £199.99

Saracen Mad 2.Six Bike (2005)

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Price: £199.99

Saracen Mad Team Super Pro Bike (2006)

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Price: £999.99

Yeah there all saracen.... but its just a make... the only people that care about the make are the sort of people who brag about how much something was and shit like that.... Plus for now your just starting out so think of it as just a "taster" bike... if you take to the sport and like it alot then go full out for an expensive bike.

http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/ - bikes from theres more on the site just take a look.



Saracen Mad Team Urban Bike (2006)

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if you have that sort of budget, id go for the onza t-pro. At £400 its a bargain for an amazing starter bike. You can have this bike for ages, when you first start it will be great and easy to learn on, when you become a better rider you can upgrade the parts and will still be a suited for bike for your level........... mines lasted forever and its fine.

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Flex, you are right - I have a Saracen and its great for the money. I dont ride trials all the time (most of my time and money goes on MTB) so trials is my occasional hobby that I use in a vain attempt to improve my bike handling (still work to be done on that) - so I just cannot justify spending load of money on my trials bike.

However after riding some of my mates more expensive bikes - mine handles better :)

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