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Pc Recording

boon racoon

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Windows movie maker can do it, you must have it if now www.download.com , search it and download.

1, open up the program to a new file.

2, Click on the little microphone at the bottom near the timeline


3, Thescreen will change and you will see this,


Click on the 'More options' link

4,You will then see more options (believe it or not)


Clcik on the drop down list and choose 'Sterio Mix'

5, Play what you and and then click 'Start Narration', you may want to play around with the volumes a bit first as sometimes its gets a bit distorted.




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You can use Premiere to capture audio, or other software. Just get a cord with two male 3.5mm stereo plugs, and run between the speaker/headphone and line in/mic holes in your computer.. Easy.

As above works too. But it'll be wma. :P And all in the computer, ie no need for a cord.. Easier, but I'm sure audio quality will suffer. :P

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There is a plug-in for Winamp called Streamripper, that lets you rip streamed audio directly to your hard drive in mp3 format. It also separates the tracks automatically when needed (I.e. when ripping an internet radio it creates different files for each song instead of making it one big file.)

click me for link

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You may already have the program :P

I know on some computers the chipset audio drivers includes an Avance Sound Manager program called AvRack.

To check if you have it just go to start > all programs and look for 'Avance Sound Manager' If you happen to have it then you can use this little program to do all your recording needs, its pretty quick, reliable and good quality.

stu (Y)

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