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Hey i'm chris i jst turned 16 and decided to take up trials riding. Been trying to learn the basics for a few days now and welcome any tips you guys got to offer on where to start.

Im also keen on going upto south end to watch some of the pros ride maybe get some tips from 'em.

Edited by ChrisP
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Reading another thread i thougth id post more info.

Live in sutton surrey ride mainly at a small bmx park in rosehill.

I have a saracen mantra two with standard gear and am jst using it to start out, if i get better ill probably invest in the proper kit.

Thinking about upgrading the front brake but im not sure which ones best within a £100 price limit.

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hi, and welcome to the forum.

don't know what kinda brake you are after, but the magura hs33 is my favorite (Y)

in the beginning you can train on the trackstand and hopping on your rear wheel.

hope this helps :)

Edited by GeeTee
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Hey, welcome to the forum. Im new too so i hope i can help you and vice versa :D

I was using a 'normal' bike for a while before i bought a trials bike. i learnt to trackstand and things like that and it has help considerably!

Keep at it! you wont be dissapointed in the end. ^_^


Edit: I was actually using a saracen axl before i bought my t-pro.

Edited by fordy
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