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Security Guards/police


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does anybody have the same problem when trying to ride trials in a real good place, theres always they s****y security guards telling you to move on when theres nowhere else good to ride. but then if you come back they ring the police. anyone else have same problem

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Yes we do , we can have good and bad days .

They don't come out for hours or come out in 30 seconds ( < our personal record )

Its so annoying when they come out with ' meh meh you better move on now or we shall call the police and if you come back we will call the police '

We always come back though and they don't call the coppers.

Its always the good riding spots were the guards come out which annoys me the most really.

Well that my opinion and answer.

Thanks Aidan.

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best place to go if your really stuck for places.... is car parks.... like asda car park or a B n Q car park... always some stuff to do there.... supermarket carparks don't have security guards.... well none do near me...

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Yes we do , we can have good and bad days .

They don't come out for hours or come out in 30 seconds ( < our personal record )

Its so annoying when they come out with ' meh meh you better move on now or we shall call the police and if you come back we will call the police '

We always come back though and they don't call the coppers.

Its always the good riding spots were the guards come out which annoys me the most really.

Well that my opinion and answer.

Thanks Aidan.

Very true in most cases, unless you happen to be riding with a certain person (who rides a control) not naming any names, around sainsburys car park in fareham because this happens:

Security Guard: "Right you lot bugger of or im calling the police"

Control rider: " go on then dare you!" >_<

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Its there job, annoying we all know, but what can we do .......... nothing.


It might be annoying, but it's their job. Police protect the community and reduce crime, whichever way you look at it. You're riding someone's property.

I'm sure that if you were riding on my property, and damaging it, I'd give you a good f**king hiding, and that's all security guards are there for. To tell you to stop doing it, and if needs be, phone the Police.

How about you think about how when a security guard goes to work, they don't look forward to it, just because you lot might be there? Some security guards, yeah, they're tossers and have attitude problems. But then some are nice, and some people (not necessarily you but might be?) just throw it back in their face, and make their jobs hell.

Think about the other people you're affecting, not just yourself.

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this is quite ironic one of my mates who rides trials is a security guard. i somtimes go round to see him. and we have a play in the car park. Yeah its just a job dont blame the person.

in the end of the day they are just doing there job.

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If there wern't security guards, the store's or whatever place it is that there are keeping 'secure' would simply phone the police without even talking to you.

I don't know where you ride but someone in a shopping centre or a warehouse is not going to leave the building to ask you to leave, they will simply call the cops rather than put themselves at risk.

Security guards will go that bit further to ensure that the police are actually required, and if your just a bunch of guys riding trials, they probobly arn't.

On the otherhand, some security guards have no inter-personal skills, and as such come across as arsehole's, I blame the long shift's with limited human interaction, or some simply are arsehole's, regardless, rather a security guard giving me hassle than the cops.

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Totally agree with Jake, some are just arseholes on a powertrip (although street wardens are worse for that)

On a leeds ride ages ago, it started raining really bad, (we were riding from one spot to another) so we took shelter under this side of a building and this security comes out and starts to give us all this crap about how we damaging stuff, even though we were just sat around talking ... crazy fool! He could of just asked nicely!!

But yeah, its us in the wrong so theres nothing we can do about it. In fact most of the time the police have been ok with us and are generally pretty sound with us.

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I have to say Danny Foster is the funniest person when approached by any 'authority figure'.

Riding with him the other day and some guy came out of the building and said;

Guy: Get off! Its private property and I'll call the police?

Foster: Are you the manager?

Guy: Yes, I own the place, now leave before I call the police.

Foster: Are you hard?

Guy: What?

Foster: Nothing

Guy: Move! Now!

Foster: I'll one bop you!

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I've only been moved on once because there's only two factories around here... I ventured down to the second one (never been to it with trials in mind before) the other day, and it's got thousands of pallets...

So to stick with the theme, I'm gonna ask them if I can use them, so long as I put them back etc, but does anyone know a decent way to ask them?

'Cause I don't think going upto the reception and saying "Hey, I ride a trials bike. (Explains what trials is if they don't know) Can I use all your pallets to practice on?" is gonna go down too well. Much less WORK.



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Trials to you is vandalism to them.

Trials is a form of vandalism... full stop....

think about all the wall ledges an stuff you learnt on... where you fall onto the bash ring bash plate and

CRACK you take a part of the wall away with you.... you laugh it off but someone owns that wall and has

to pay to have it replaced

we were talking to a caretaker of a school we ride who is safe as f**k hes like "we go off duty at 8.30 you can ride whenever you want after that"

but some cocky kid on a BMX was trying to argue that it wasnt vandalism and the bloke went round and

pointed to all the sidehop... gap.... up attempts we like where there are bits missing out the wall......

so dont be a cock just smile move on an come back when there off duty... me an rick try to ride at 3 in the

morning no-one is arround.... no cars so gaps into main roads are ok... you can ride any school and in this

weather there is still plently of light for any filming you need to get done (Y) and we dont work or go to school atm :)

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Trials is a form of vandalism... full stop....

think about all the wall ledges an stuff you learnt on... where you fall onto the bash ring bash plate and

CRACK you take a part of the wall away with you.... you laugh it off but someone owns that wall and has

to pay to have it replaced

But half the time police talk to us, well round here anyway, the object they are on about has no damage as only the tyres have been on it. I know that all the bashrings and stuff damage it, but rubber doesn't damage anything.

To all those people complaining about security guards and what nots. Just move away, and go somewhere else.

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So to stick with the theme, I'm gonna ask them if I can use them, so long as I put them back etc, but does anyone know a decent way to ask them?

'Cause I don't think going upto the reception and saying "Hey, I ride a trials bike. (Explains what trials is if they don't know) Can I use all your pallets to practice on?" is gonna go down too well. Much less WORK.

1. Private property, If you fall on their pallets and injure yourself/die, they'd been in deep shit.

2. Pallets are needed in factories, they become useless when snapped and costs THEM to get rid of them. It's really not going to work mate.

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I've been told I can't even ride on some rocks at the local Uni, not because of damage to property but because I'm "a danger to myself and others".

I tried to explain that I am very careful but the security guard wouldn't have it.

It's a shame because it's a good place to ride (N)

I can't see any harm in riding on rocks.

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I've been told I can't even ride on some rocks at the local Uni, not because of damage to property but because I'm "a danger to myself and others".

I tried to explain that I am very careful but the security guard wouldn't have it.

It's a shame because it's a good place to ride (N)

I can't see any harm in riding on rocks.

Well for one your on private property

If you hurt yourself then they aint insured

They are also looking out for other around you incase you fall off an hit them or ride into them.

Its thier job!

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i was once riding down a cycle path and i was riding towards these wardens/community service people. as i got closer they told me to get off my bike and started having a right go at me for being stupid for not dismounting and saying that i could of hit them when the path itself was huge!. so i got to come with me to the end of the path and showed them the cycle path sign and there faces just went white and there jaws just dropped. they couldnt stop apologising. proving them wrong was the best feeling ever.


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Like everyone says, it's their job at the end of the day...if they didn't bother to come out and tell you to move on then they would probably get the sack. Some can be sound, like when they tell you that you can come back after a certain time when no one is on duty. Those guys get my respect.

Then you get the ones that think they are the tough wannabe cop boys, I had one come over to me in Blackburn...he was being sound enough with me at first and so I returned the politeness.

After this, some guy on a jump bike decided it would be funny to give this security guy the finger behind his back. The guy in the control booth saw this on cam and told the security guy, next minute this security guy gives me a mouth full saying i'm a cheeky bast***, thinking that it was me who gave him the finger...he tried to grab my bike and push me away, he didn't get far though.

I went off my nut an shouted like hell right in his face telling him to get his facts straight before he accuses me of doing something i never did...that pissed me off so much that day. I hope he checked the tape to see who really gave him the finger and felt like a t*** for being a complete muppet with me! There was no need.

Ah rant over.

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our personal record.... was out in bristol the other day and just looked at a wall to see if was rideable and securi-tay were straight out. most annoying!

i also agree, i hate security guards that get on a power trip and think they can boss you around, they deserve all the abuse they get. they give the sound ones a bad name

its quite simple, be polite and i will be polite back and probably move on without any trouble

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I have to say Danny Foster is the funniest person when approached by any 'authority figure'.

Riding with him the other day and some guy came out of the building and said;

Guy: Get off! Its private property and I'll call the police?

Foster: Are you the manager?

Guy: Yes, I own the place, now leave before I call the police.

Foster: Are you hard?

Guy: What?

Foster: Nothing

Guy: Move! Now!

Foster: I'll one bop you!

funniest thing i've heard in a while.... that makes me sad i no... but it just made me giggle

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