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Feel The Love - Someone Been Nice To You Recently?

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Yer...anyone been nice to you recently.

Tell us who and why :)

Ill start and will start with the one and only danny tipple.

He sent me loads of computer software ( all legit of course :shifty: ), porn, operating systems...then helped me out sorting my pc out over msn.

Been a great help and couldnt of done it without him..<3

So yer...has someone been nice to you recently and you wanna say thanks?? let it all out in here :)

X x X

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The guys at Blackleaf.com where I bought some new shoes from, they sent the wrong ones so I sent an email, they sent the new ones out straight away which arrived today with postage money to send the others back :)

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Someone sent me a spacer, but i've completely forgotten who it was. So thanks to whoever that was.

Also thanks to Mat Hudson for the helicopter ride and admitting he was gay. *

* I actually dreamt this, no word of a lie. :ermm:

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someone was ince to me at the pub about HER friend breaking up with me which as nice hehe

called me the "cute caveman" and couldnt understand why she would break up with me

like everyone else

maybe thius should be in the engry thread :huh: ARRRRRRRRR

or the drunk thread haha

night all B)


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  Tom Booth said:

after some twat bloked me in a parking space and refused to move.

if you let a cars tyres all the way down then you can dragg them out of the way :-lol

urm all my mates...... lil day to day stuff lending 30p's for my sweet addiction they always get it back....

luff you all guys!!!

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  JT! said:
Also thanks to Mat Hudson for the helicopter ride and admitting he was gay. *

* I actually dreamt this, no word of a lie. :ermm:

How the f**k did no-one else pick up on this? :lol:

Ad for helping me out earlier with spoke lengths, and Dave for taking my call.

JT for sending me a freewheel too.

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ahhh go on then...

thanks to mishter george seamons for taking me clubbing pretty darn often, and for all the help hes given me making me moneyless in the process, as well as making me spend lots on my cars new radio setup thingy-cheers dude :)

also thanks to his mum for the great night (Y)

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  pauloliver said:

ahhh go on then...

thanks to mishter george seamons for taking me clubbing pretty darn often, and for all the help hes given me making me moneyless in the process, as well as making me spend lots on my cars new radio setup thingy-cheers dude :)

also thanks to his gran for the great night (Y)

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I wanna say thanks to simpson on here his name is micheal, becuase i had a front magura and i needed a hose for it he sent me it free of charge and came the next day so i oculd ride today after snapping my v brake cable. He also gave me a near new free primo bmx chain tensioner. Love you mike cheers mate.

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