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Your Views On Terrorism And Modern Day Britain?

Mr Plod

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Hey guys thought I'd make this topic after a conversation with my mate on msn earlier (I'm using an old topic I made about routers and stuff but no one replied, so why create a new topic when I can recycle this? ;) ).

So yeah this might all sound like bollocks but here goes.

Basically what are your views on terrorism and the way Britain is run nowadays?

I personally think we are losing the "war on terrorism" as we are relying to much on vintage tactics and need to wise up to the modern world.

What I mean by this is we're no longer fighting army's where we knew who we were fighting and where they were and their strength and power... Todays fight is against individual organisations who we know nothing about i.e their strength, weapons, location and commanders and such. I

t's a whole new ball game in my opinion.

We need to scrap and rewrite the rules of engagement because they are out dated as we fight new threats which pay no attention to the rules and fight dirty. We need to start fighting dirty back and not giving them the chance to get the better of us i.e taking out the threat before it has the chance to take us out.

I also feel that we should bring the troops home and begin to take control at our borders. We need to reduce the amount of immigrants applying to live here and use the army to perform house to house checks or things like that where we can locate the illegal citizens and ship them back to where ever they come from... (A bit drastic I know but I personally feel we have let the situation become unmanageble and feel this is the only way to rid them from the country) Also evict preachers of hate (If they don't like our way of life.. why are they living here?).

After watching street crime uk on bravo all week I have also noticed how many public service resources such as police officers and ambulances are used for drink related acts of violence and accidents. Its no wonder we have barely any police officers on hand to answer to emergency situations as it takes like 3 cars of officers to respond to a drunken fight after pub closing time.

We also need to sort out our justice system as it is failing the country and its no longer a deterent to criminal acts.

I don't really have an answer as to what I personally think we should do about this but I'm sure there is some sort of deterent to drunken violence and things like that.

So yeah I don't really know where I'm going with all this but thats my personal views on everything and I would like to hear what the rest of you have to say on it?

Cheers guys and gals

P.S Tom don't ban or warn me pleaseee. I recycled an old topic... I'm doing my bit to stop clogging up the forum :ermm::lol:

Edited by College Boy
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  • 2 months later...

P.S Tom don't ban or warn me pleaseee. I recycled an old topic... I'm doing my bit to stop clogging up the forum :ermm::lol:

I don't think you quite get the recycling old topics thing... But never mind.

We wouldn't have half the trouble in this country if we didn't love the US so much. I think the "war on terrorism" is ridiculous, it's a war against an abstract concept, it's like declaring war on love. But I don't really care. I'm a terrible human being, but all this stuff has little impact on my life, so I'll just bumble along doing as I am doing. If you think about it, it's pretty scary.

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I think its all pretty much caused by islam. Its a load of crap. A religion which is stuck in the past, which can somehow glorfiy terrorism into holy war.

I agree that if people dont like britain, then they shouldnt be able to preach about it, there's freedom of speach and then there is taking the piss.

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I think that without religion the world would be a better place. Recently the pope quoted something which made the muslims go manic. Firstly they treated what he had said as his personal opinion although he was simply quoting a book, then they demanded apologies and started threatening with jihad if these wouldn't come. When the apologies came, the muslims said it wasn't enough, demanded more and continued talking about jihad.

These guys are asking for trouble, they're complete idiots. No wonder people with such mentality are more often than not the source of terrorism.

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OK, my little response. I don't think shutting the door on the rest of the world is a sensible or workable plan, one of the few parts of Britain I'm proud of is that we're quite welcoming to people fleeing from war, persecution, famine etc., and that's only a good thing. As for having the army do door-to-door checks I think that'd create more of a climate of fear than any terrorist attack; nobody wants a police state: look at the thrid reich, east germany or the USSR for proof.

I don't think going proactive in a violent way is a fantastic idea, either. You wouldn't start a fight with a chav because he might mug you, that'd be insane. Depressing as it is a reactive response has got to be the way to go. Find the people who have actually comitted crimes and get them the hell out of the way of society. The thing that really pisses me off about Guantanamo and the eastern bloc prisons is that the majority of the prisoner's haven't actually done anything wrong, even if they were planning to.

Now evicting preachers of hate is something I agree with you 100% on, these guys are crazy. However, it's not just because they're muslim, plenty of hardline christians have done crazy things in the name of religion (John List, anyone?). Spirituality should be a search for peace, not an excuse for violence, and as soon as you start holding beliefs, that's when the problem arises; because people can use "faith" to ignore good common human sense.

Lastly, the criminal justice system has never been a deterrent to criminal acts. Even when the death penalty was in force we still had murders and so forth. Heck, there was plenty of stealing going on back when you could be hung for nicking a loaf of bread. The legal system of Britain is pretty damned good. Firstly it's deontological (that is to say it has rules that you can't break, like killing another person, for instance) which makes it workable, but it ha consequentialist elements that allow exceptions to be made in exceptional cases, like killing someone who's about to stab your mum or something: that'd be justifiable manslaughter, and you'd come off a lot lighter. Alcohol abuse affects the UK quite badly, and is something I've got plenty of ideas about (most of them based around the european way of thinking) but I'll save that for a more appropriate time.

Good luck munching your way through that essay :P

Joe x

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Following on from an earlier post:

Britain sucks, Terrorists suck, religion sucks.

Half the world hates America for it's policies, therefore attack it. We get chummy with them, it's only a matter of time until we get attacked really....

We did get attacked.

07/07. London bombings, buses and trains. Remember?

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Our countries run by f**ked up men who are power hungry. As is America.

that's no reason to go round blowing up trains full of innocent commuters though is it ?

They're pussies whether you agree with their politics or not - if they want to fight they should concentrate on military targets, not defenceless civilians.

For the most part that's what they're doing in Iraq with the roadside bombs etc - the locals are attacking an invading army using the most effective means they have at their disposal (they couldn't hope to win an open battle becaus they're underequipped and vastly outnumbered). It's nasty and there's colateral damage, but all fighting is nasty and there's always colateral damage. You can happily call that sort of thing 'freedom fighting' without reasonable people (whatever their politics) disputing it

It's not the same as a bunch of c**ts blowing themselves up on buses/trains/planes etc. in a deliberate effort to kill large numbers of non-combatants . That isn't freedom fighting, it's terrorism and murder.

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Our countries run by f**ked up men who are power hungry. As is America.

still better than a tory government …

Everybody acts like terrorism is a new thing for Britain, but we have had been dealing with the IRA for many years, I still remember the Manchester and London bombings being on the news, hell when I was younger I remember being woken up by a bomb going off during one night. The Birtish intelligence services will stop countless attempted bombings each year.

But the USA (and Bush) had never really dealt with it before and they were right to go into Afganistan and try to find Bin Laden, I actually think we were right to stand by them at that time… That said I also think the War in Iraq is bullshit and we shouldn’t have supported that!

Using the Armed Forces and effectively turning britain into a police state is just a very very bad idea.

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I don't know if anyone watched 'Cracker' last night on ITV1, but that had some interesting stuff in it.

Basically, it pointed out that N. Amerca was funding the IRA, buy guns and munitions. Funding terrorism against the UK. But when someone attacked The Good Ol' USofA, suddenly they decided they didn't like terrorism and that they would start on the country who had besmirched Americas good name.

It was a drama, but it was quite good, and that seemed relevant to the conversation.

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I found the whole Mulsims vs. the Pope stuff funny as hell. The fact that their reaction to being called (effectively) crap and violent was to start rioting and burning Pope dolls was just classic. I really don't mind admitting that I'm probably racist against Muslims after all the sh1te their religeon has caused and I wouldn't think twice about being uneasy about getting on a plane with an obviously practicing Muslim. It's not just Muslims of course, I quite happily can't stand any practicing religeon because it's all bull turds and anyone who seriously believes that cr@p needs their head examined! Meh, nothing's gonna change the way I think, I just enjoy riding bikes and having fun how I want to. Peace out :huh:


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Yeah fair enough a police state isn't the answer I was just on a rant, I wasn't saying stop all immigrants, Just the ones who are entering illegally and those with criminal convictions and that will live off benefits and get a free house.

It is a bit of a pisstake that hard working UK citizens are taxed high amounts for what? So that an Arabian can have a free house and take our cash and the way to thank us is to commit mass murder? I'm not saying all immigrants are like that and I respect those that have come here seeking a better life and actually have a job and pay tax like us.

I don't know where I'm going with this really, just wanted to see what peoples thoughts were.

As for the drink related problems, I would like to hear what other peoples ideas as to how they would go about resolving the problem?

And the justice system is a sham im my opinion, How can a child murdered or a rapist get such a light sentence of just a matter of years? It's not fair on the victims knowing their attacker could be back on the streets within a couple of years or even months in some disguisting cases where the system has failed miserably.

I agree with the soft sentences for self defence or protecting someone with force against the attacker but when you see shoddy sentences being handed out to murderers where they only get 6 years or so... thats not right and something is seriously wrong with the system because its no longer a deterrent as the criminals know they can get away with it.

Don't know if any of that made sense, it did to me :S

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as for the armed border patrols, there not extreme, introduce them, there extreme to us, cos were not used to them, but mexico/america/canada. have armed border patrols. i believe many parts of europe too.

the idea of this war on terrorism, is more correctly " a war for oil, creating terrorism", why go attacking afghanistan and iraq for a few people. when theres hundreds of the people in this country, closer and cheaper to go get, dont even have to kill them, send them back to where they come from.

dont have bugger all against any race,any sex, providin they got on with there life and dont interfere. but if they wanna come over here, and preach hate then... wham,bam,back to khazakstan.

also... take a read.


suprisingly true.


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wham,bam,back to khazakstan.

Hmm hope you're not suggesting what I think you are, have you ever been to Kazakhstan, or met anyone from Kazakhstan? I'm guessing not, because if you did you wouldnt say that. You'd realise the social mess that Britain is in, and that Kazakhstan is a place for us to be jealous of. I heard similar, if not better reports of Uzbekistan, of hospitality and kindness you just wouldn't get in Britain nowadays, not even from your neighbours, let alone from someone of a different colour skin to yourself. But they're terrorists after all, and should go back to where they came from... :sleeping:

Armchair politics/opinions, gotta love em.

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Hmm hope you're not suggesting what I think you are, have you ever been to Kazakhstan, or met anyone from Kazakhstan? I'm guessing not, because if you did you wouldnt say that. You'd realise the social mess that Britain is in, and that Kazakhstan is a place for us to be jealous of. I heard similar, if not better reports of Uzbekistan, of hospitality and kindness you just wouldn't get in Britain nowadays, not even from your neighbours, let alone from someone of a different colour skin to yourself. But they're terrorists after all, and should go back to where they came from... :sleeping:

Armchair politics/opinions, gotta love em.

yea. tom wasnt meant to p*ss on kazhakstans(or any other nations) chips, but i think you saw my point.just send them back to where they came from. and bring the troops home, why bother fighting the battles in arab oil rich countries when those army resources could be best used chasing terrorists within our own borders.

at the end of the day, im not one of these blind ignorant people who believe anyone with dark skin is evil. i understand its a small minority, in the same way the small minority of the youth of today are gettin us tarred with a bad brush as being drunken,drugged up layabouts. but those small minority should be sent back to whatever place they come from. and let the large minority of there country who are angry with them for tarring there name deal with them

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We wouldn't have half the trouble in this country if we didn't love the US so much.

Incidentally, lets not forget that when the Americans talk about "Their Great Country" what they mean to say is "This Great Country which we violently purged from it's native inhabitants".

This would constitute terrorism would it not? It's not far off ethnic cleansing!

Anyway, lets keep supporting them and their narrow minded foreign policy shall we, I'm frankly amazed that America even acknowledge the existence of the world outside their own borders, but then I'm forgetting one important factor aren't I... "There's oil in them there eastern countries"... so of course they know they exist!


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