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Frame Chossing

Saracen Kid

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i want to buy a new frame in 26'' but don't know which one i like the koxx levelboss (not sure if you can buy a seprate frame) but don't know if you can reveiw these bikesdo so if you know any other cheap frames ( range from free till £150)

thanks (Y)

Edited by t-pro kid
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  t-pro kid said:

iam changing my mind about the koxx :o so what frames can i get for £150 odd

Dont think you could get much brand new for that amount, look out on the forum for second hand frames

Edited by SamHolmes
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right i want a light frame, a strong frame, a short frame, a street frame and it has to be cheaper than £150 more if its extra special

That's more like it. I'll check around and get back to you.

By the way what happened to your Saracen?

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  bob87 said:

That's more like it. I'll check around and get back to you.

By the way what happened to your Saracen?

nothing its in the hall

  jake1516 said:

Go mod, get a 221pr and spend the best £150 you've ever spent.

ive been mod before and i didn't like it and i want a stock frame

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he'll have a job getting a 221pr when they've all sold out.

anyway you will struggle to get a new frame at £150 that is half decent. your best off picking up a decent secound hand bike up. just keep a look out on the forsale section for something that catches your eye.

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  t-pro kid said:

i like short, light bikes and i am short less than 5 foot tall

  t-pro kid said:

right i want a light frame, a strong frame,a short frame, a street frame and it has to be cheaper than £150 more if its extra speacil

Sounds to me like a basebikes TA26 would be right up your street then. Definately streety, and feel great to ride. Theres some pictures of mine in my for sale thread in my signature ;)

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  Krisboats said:

basebikes TA26

hell yes-best frame you will get for the money

but you have a newish saracen? whats wrong with that for now? better off spending the money on replacing the wanky hub and rim on the back and getting some decent v brakes and pads

a new frame wont help you ride any better if its shod with shite parts

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  pauloliver said:

hell yes-best frame you will get for the money

but you have a newish saracen? whats wrong with that for now? better off spending the money on replacing the wanky hub and rim on the back and getting some decent v brakes and pads

a new frame wont help you ride any better if its shod with shite parts


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