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Back Hops

Saracen Kid

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ok well if you can do one by doing it that way then just keep at it, maybe lean back more as backhops are used imo to keep you from falling of the back so if you lean further back you should be able to fit more hops in if that makes sense?

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If you can only do them like that , practise it that way.

All you really have to do is; stop the bike, get you balance then in one swift motion kick slightly on the pedals and pull up, then pull your brake back on.

A quick step guide.


let off your back brake

kick slightly

pull up on bars

then pull brake again

* one backhop done * but please do it all in one motion or it really won't work.


Edited by chisholm
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hey callum, hows your saracen doing?

have you watched mastering the art of trials?

if not i will upload it somewhere on internet for you and others to download when my internets back on.

the way i learnt is: (you need to find a comfatable point on the back wheel. the further back your butt the lower the bike needs to be.)

1. practice doing 1 hop

2. after you have one done keep going to see how many you can do

3.after you have these try to balance on back wheel as long as you can and ride off from it.

4. when you have all these move onto the pedal kick

to learn the pedal kick:

the easiest way i found to learn was to endo to get on back wheel and then jump a couple of times. then lower the front wheel while moving back a bit.

then you should kick the pedals forward while releasing back brake (hydrolic rim i recomend such as the magura hs33) for a few seconds and try to ROLE not jump just once.

after this you then use the same technique but thrust your body to the stem (not to far as could be very painful.)

after you can pedal kick this way try to get on back wheel by pedaling but don't keep kicking. practice balancing there for a few seconds before attempting to jump after. soon you can try to kick onto things such as curbs and small walls. don't try anything to big as it can be dangerous and harmful to your body.

hope i helped you mate.

talk soon


Edited by saracen_rider
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why do people just keep saying use seach! its quite annoying. its ment to be a forum to chat about trials. if you dont like the topic just move on.

A thread in the search might be more helpful? Or the obvious reason that its probably been posted about a million times before and if every thread was always the same then the experienced guys who come on the forum lots and know what they are talking about will not bother giving advice because the new members chat is full of the same boring monotnous topics etc..

not trying to be mean or anything but how did you snap your t-pro if you cant backhop youve totally mystified me :huh: did you fall off as it hit a truck or something.

As for backhops i always found it was better just to go out riding with other people and watch how they position there body etc and how they do things :)

Edited by Bondy
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