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T-pro Reviews Please


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  t-pro kid said:

DO NOT BUY ONE!!!!!! mine broke falling on a wall they are rubbish they are ok to ride though

p.s. don't buy one

:closedeyes: dont listen to this...... at all just look at his posts........ grrrrrr :angry:

there quality im in love with my friends....bike...... i just want to take it home each time i ride it!!! lol

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I have one and im more than pleased with it, it's a dream to ride very good starting/intermediate bike. The frame seems to be strong and well made as do most of the components, the only problem i have had with mine is the ACS freewheel that didn't last long. I got mine of ebay for 220 quid mint condition, there allways seems to be some going on there for a good price so check it out.

Get one (Y)


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  t-pro kid said:

DO NOT BUY ONE!!!!!! mine broke falling on a wall they are rubbish they are ok to ride though

p.s. don't buy one

Not every frame they bring out is going to be 100% perfect some may be faulty like yours and are going to break, you may be a fat git, who knows...

when you say it 'broke' i assume you mean the frame, if so where abouts, how long did you have it for etc? Kinda pointless just saying there crap because yours broke and you didnt even bother saying how or when etc.

I've had my t-pro since september 05', still in perfect working condition, few scratches which is normal its held up pretty well, had no problems with it, its really nice to ride and is a bargain for how much it costs.

Good bike to spec up and eventually invest into a new frame after a while and you will have a pretty sweet bike (which is what i should be doing soon enough).

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  Bondy said:

Not every frame they bring out is going to be 100% perfect some may be faulty like yours and are going to break, you may be a fat git, who knows...

when you say it 'broke' i assume you mean the frame, if so where abouts, how long did you have it for etc? Kinda pointless just saying there crap because yours broke and you didnt even bother saying how or when etc.

I've had my t-pro since september 05', still in perfect working condition, few scratches which is normal its held up pretty well, had no problems with it, its really nice to ride and is a bargain for how much it costs.

Good bike to spec up and eventually invest into a new frame after a while and you will have a pretty sweet bike (which is what i should be doing soon enough).

iam not fat ,the down tube snapped ,i was not on the bike i fell off, i had it for 8 months brand new, i kept it in mint con and it was not my fault the monty bars snapped!

p.s. iam not fat!!!!!

Edited by t-pro kid
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  t-pro kid said:

iam not fat ,the down tube snapped ,i was not on the bike i fell off, i had it for 8 months brand new, i kept it in mint con and it was not my fault the monty bars snapped!

ps iam not fat!!!!!

Calm down fatty i was joking (Y)

ahh well whats the moral of the story...dont fall off your bike. Havent got a clue what youre on about with the bars either :turned: but i assume if you snap a pair of bars it usually is the riders fault, ridden with them too much, done too many drops etc, stress marks then eventually snappage.

Edited by Bondy
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  t-pro kid said:

i can't back hop and i wan't too i can do one backhop by doing a endo then roll onto the back wheel and then hop but thats it i want to be able to backhop with the big boys :P

You cant back hop and you still snapped it? :S

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good luck with it.

anyway - i've had my t-pro since july or august last year and it's fine. The only weak points are that ACS freewheels come undone a lot and that the forks/stem/bars are a bit on the heavy side. There's nothing you'd need to replace straight away in the standard spec at all.

It seems pretty tough too - i missed a gap a couple months back and landed full weight on a rail with the middle of my downtube, there's a big dent but no sign of a crack appearing and the frame appears to have maintained it's original shape so i'm happy cos i was expecting the bugger to snap in half there and then.

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  t-pro kid said:

im not a tit and they are crap

1) You ARE a tit.

2) They ARENT crap, they are the BEST beginner bike available and the frame is easily on par with the big zoos echos etc.

3) you ride a saracen mad, which doesnt put you in ANY position to disrespect t-pros. I mean look at mads for a start, THEN go on to how they ride, how weak they are, etc.

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  Dan-Gadd said:

I have one and im more than pleased with it, it's a dream to ride very good starting/intermediate bike. The frame seems to be strong and well made as do most of the components, the only problem i have had with mine is the ACS freewheel that didn't last long. I got mine of ebay for 220 quid mint condition, there allways seems to be some going on there for a good price so check it out.

Get one (Y)


denetly get one, ive had one ages and ive peposly tryed to snap it, but the bugger wont brake on me, its the best bike ive had in ages ^_^

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I used to own a t-pro, was an amazing frame to ride, even with the crappy parts I had on it.

Although, mine did end up cracked in 2 places :- Although it seems this is a reasonably rare occurance considering the amount of the frames ridden.

Overall a great bike for beginners. Like every other topic made on these, I get the feeling that'll be the overall view.

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