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Kenny should move to ZOOBIKE, best choice he will ever make haha. If hes snapping frames :-.

But where to? Deng would be shit for him as they just copy rather than innovate, also there is the cultural barrier there that isn't present with koxx.

Besides, does deng even sponser any compeition riders, or anyone other than CLS and NT?

Deng makes the best frames out, you cant beat a ZOO Python. Ever!

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Makes intresting reading i'm sure it'll get sorted properly, now with this sudden bad press against Koxx. Don't really know the whole story so won't coment but Koxx would be stupid to lose a world class rider like Kenny over a thing like this.

you cant beat a ZOO Python. Ever!

Echo team :-

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the gash graphics and shit (for anything but dropgaps) geo.

:mellow: thats pure bullshit. Its like me saying Montys are good for 1 thing and thats bridging small gaps. Yes the graphics are shity but wait till you see 07's :D. Zonas are mint my mate only cracked 1 in 2 months.

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I'll give you a few reasons why I think it's shit.

It's long, havn't they got massive chainstay length's? I don't like the design, i don't find it aesthetically pleasing, and it being a wreckless riders signature bike isn't something im interested in.

It's simply a matter of opinion.

My god, when will people stop using 'my mate cracked his' as a reason for saying a bike is 'shit'

I couldn't be f**ked explaining, but come on folks, we are trials riders, you'd think we'd be able to give reason's other than 'one's cracked/snapped' when we say we don't like a bike, just helps to make for more interesting reading perhaps?

Back to topic > Give kenny what he want's.

Edited by jake1516
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Man, koxx is such bullsh..it... Kenny should have a perfect frame at his riding level. And I do believe the accusation that Koxx might make him tweeked frames so Vincent can win.

Is it worth him going about it this way though? At the end of the day whether you like it or not KOXX does alot for their riders giving them signature frames / pays them, and looks after them. When you look at it both ways it would be a big loss to koxx but it would also be a loss to kenny. Personaly I think nothing will come of it.

Any company can send some rough sketches and geometry info to a chinese factory and have a frame made.

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I think they are just getting kenny to break all of those new pro models that koxx couldnt sell.... then once he has smashed em all they will get onto making a more practical strong comp frame... or something.. :huh:

Of course the owner is going to treat their son better than the rest! But even so, if they dont treat their BEST rider very well... then he isnt a very good business man.

Kenny will get what he wants... if he doesnt, im sure he will do something similar to what Caisso had done.


p.s. 1 frame every 3 weeks :lol: machine!

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Besides, does deng even sponser any compeition riders, or anyone other than CLS and NT?

I read on an echo site ages ago that 'Echo don't belive in serious competition' or something to similar effect.

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I read on an echo site ages ago that 'Echo don't belive in serious competition' or something to similar effect.

That's a fact!

as for koxx, we aren't talking about a dad who runs an under 11 football team and always plays his son up front even though he's crap!

koxx are a multinational company and support or rather sponsor some of the best riders in the world. i don't think for one minute vincent would be put ABOVE the company, there is far to much at stake! nobody wants bad press, lets wait a see what happens. IMO

Edited by rugbyman
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That's a fact!

as for koxx, we aren't talking about a dad who runs an under 11 football team and always plays his son up front even though he's crap!

koxx are a multinational company and support or rather sponsor some of the best riders in the world. i don't think for one minute vincent would be put ABOVE the company, there is far to much at stake! nobody wants bad press, lets wait a see what happens. IMO

There is surely a conflict of interest there, though?

What if Domonique is making enough money and he just wants his son to do well? Stranger things have happened.

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at the end of the day,

we all know that you cant get a frame with diffrent geo and get used to it to quickly, so really kenny is under a big disadvantage having to try and get used to a new frame every 3 weeks or so it would really piss me off,

he is the best rider and obveously having to change frames every 3 weeks or so is just a joke!

im sure there are other companie out there who would give him a reall good deal and work there bollocks off to get the man a good frame! disapointed in koxx really.

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Strong Reliable parts!


And so on.

Deng does make some of the nicest frames around. A lot of them are pretty different to be fair, e.g. the Adamants, most of the Echo frames are doing their own thing, the Pitbulls have changed quite a bit since they were just straight copies of Cousts, etc. The Pythons ride like utter shit (375mm stays = f**k. No.), but even so, some of their frames aren't bad :turned:

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nobody knows what any company does for any rider. its a contract, you dont speak about these things. I dont have an offical contract with adamant / tarty / heatsink, but i know what deal they give me. Similarily i know that waynio / savage / duncan shaw, have deals with koxx and they also wont discuss what deals they get, its a contract between the two parties.

i think kenny is in the wrong by discussing this shizzle and making it so publically known. HE IS TRYING A PROTOTYPE FRAME. So thereforeu how can he expect it to be ultimately perfect. Maybe he was riding shit and just looking for an excuse......

its weird, there are so many ways of looking at the situation.

OH and for jake - deng does offer other riders deals other than CLS and NT. me and damon are sponsored by adamant, but i think he sponsors numerous chinese riders etc.....

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its weird, there are so many ways of looking at the situation.

OH and for jake - deng does offer other riders deals other than CLS and NT. me and damon are sponsored by adamant, but i think he sponsors numerous chinese riders etc.....

Yep, theres someone from Hungary, who rides 06 Pitbull for him. Craig and Neils deal with ZOO! is pretty serious with getting paid etc. Deng usually gives his frames out to other good rider as if to say Your riding a Deng product advertise it etc. There would be no propper deal in comparison to Craig/Neils.

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thats what i was trying to say mick (Y):) at least you put it alot better than i had.


it might just be an error from the factory it might be a purposful error. who knows? NO ONE ON HERE!!!! Kenny doesnt know for sure, the only people that will know is the lil monkey making it in taiwan (Y) he might have got 2 sets of papers mixed up etc etc.

all i want is to wait and see what happens. he may leave he may not. im on a mutual basis that both things have had positive and negative sides.

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