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Right....job Interview Tomoz....but...with A Twist...

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Well..spose i best tell you all what happened hehe.

Turned up...alon with about 35 others. Me and about 10 others where in smart dress...the others where scruffbags...and all school leavers. ( going on that..if they had done 1 on 1 interviews that day..at least i looked more presentable than the rest)

But no...i was just an open day....everyone sat in this room thing and watched a presentation about rbs...job...money all that stuff.

Then we were all told we would all get a call in a few weeks to see if we were still interested in the job and so on.

So yer..bit of a let down :( But i got onto a friend of mine who works there..and is quite high up...and i THINK she went in and had a moan on monday...because she reffered me and i was meant to get a 1on1 interview on the day but i didnt.

Anyways..ive just recived a phone call from rbs..saying theve got a part time job going, and would i be interested in it... :) BUT...part time is no good to me :( so i had to decline..an d thye guy said they will ring up when they have some full time jobs going , so yer yay :) fingers crosssed its soon..then fingeres crossed i actually get the job B)

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