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Why Can't We Just All Get Along?


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Almost every thread on TF with a decent number of replies seems to contain an unnecessary slagging match. It's really boring the hell outta me because I'm not here to listen to people insulting each other!


1. If you disagree with someone don't just leave a post saying "idiot" or "twat" or "dick". None of these words are valid arguments, you may as well say "I'm and idiot" or "I'm a twat" or "I'm a dick"!

2. We can all take a joke, 1handedluke insults my mother on a daily basis and it's hillarious, but it's hard to tell when someone is "only kidding" when you can't hear the tone of their voice, ie in a post on the forum. Use common sense, if you're kidding then say so or you're gonna get peoples backs up!

3. Finally, if you really can't help your childish impulses and you absolutely must insult one another then for god sake do it on PM as no one else cares a damn... ok?

That's all I wanted to say, thanks for your time


PS: Please don't start an argument in this thread

Haha your Mum is fit :P

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Not as such. I could edit the shit out of your posts or just delete everything you posted that I didn't like. Depending how anal I got about it, I could stop you ever being able to post on here. It's not particularly free, especially when you actually pay attention to the T's & C's of the site ;)


OBM getting anal - there's a movie we'd all pay to watch

sorry, it's early

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