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New Idea- You Veiws On It


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today i was thinking, we have cassette hubs and all, but many of us run FFW.

so, i was wondering is a cassette bb would work/ever be made/ even be a good idea.

i think it would be a good idea.

your veiws?


Sorry its not a goot idea, imo.

The bb axle would be too wide for a start!

You would need some sort of mech on the front to change gear, which would probably be exposed to getting twatted on rocks/walls.

It would really solve any problem and just create new ones.

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what i meant was that you only have one cog on the front like you would on front freewhell but the cog is on the bb.


It's an interesting enough idea but I think the costs of making one strong enough for trials/bmx etc. would be prohibitive.

The euro BB shell is already too small for decent sized bearings & axles so by the time you'd stuffed a ratchet and pawls in you'd be buggered unless you went for proper space age materials - which cost a fortune.

It might let you get away with a much wider ratchet & pawls - which presumably would help increase the life of the engagement mechanism.

An even cunninger idea might be to have several offset ratchets in a row inside the shell to give you shed loads of engagements without sacrificing tooth depth. KHE might have made a hub like that recently but not certain

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surely you would need a massive bb, and not many of them would be produced making them expensive.., also what the point.. what gain would you have from doin this?.. i'm sure when the first cassette's were made and the discussion on front or back would of been had. They are prob on the back for gd reason.

imo this is a terrible idea (N)

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Internal hub gears...on the front, anyone?

Or am I getting the wrong end of the stick here?

Personally I can't really see the point. Someone might do it, but they'd be doing it for the sake of it rather than for some particular advantage (which I can't see).

As MBUK once said about triple-link rear sus: Why? What's the point? How many Meccano sets will it take?

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howabout a crank that instead of screw on it has a cassette spline. interchangable + easy.

Hasn't dengypoos done that. Last i saw of the 18T cogs they were splined.

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stermy archer gearing 4tehWin!!111! i can't see why king/koxx hasn't tried that yet, would be excellent for trials, no mech to get killed! mite be a bit shit for engagements though?

as standard i think stumeys have 6-8 ep, then it increases when you change up gear i think

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I've just been looking at an exercise bike and its got instant engagments because the way it works is its got a tube with a spring going around it so when you pedal forward the spring tightens onto the tube and grips it then when you stop pedaling it releases it. This way also works as a freecoaster kind of thing aswell. its very simple but very effective.

Got no idea how it would work on a trials bike but there's only one way to find out.

The reason I mentioned it is because you might be able to get a spring round a bb axle and onto the cranks which would give you an instant engaging front freewheel kind of thing.

Not sure if i've explained it well enough.

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