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Side Hop.!

Mr Monty

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He is tucking the right way, as his body-weight's not over the top of the wall, but the bike is. It's the same way that all the fashion kids are doing their uber tucks, where you keep your weight over the edge of the wall (hence they have to instantly hop off again every time :rolleyes:)... Looks great though (Y)

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  • 5 months later...

Hey i'm sure if he can sidehop that high he must be doing something right! :lol:

If it is a game then chances are it will be released with numerous bugs in about a year.

Whoever knows there stuff help him out. I'm sure it's hard work enough just to produce that screeny.

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I need so much help with this game there is only so much 1 person can do .

Mr monty.

Ask for help on here then

there are a load of people on here who are VERY good at things like this, a little help wont be a bad thing, just make sure you get all the copyright etc etc (or whatever is involved)


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I drop out of school so there was not much to do apart from bike and go on the mac!

YEA you can find allot of help on the internet for maya and but is is resonible hard to learn but allot of fun !

Any one that can use maya or unity or any other modeling and programing sofware and is intrested in helping then dont be shy.

Mr monty.

(sorry about spellings)

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