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My Bike's Too Long


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I've been on the bmx a lot recently so whenever I get on my t-pro it feels all unresponsive and hard to steer and stuff.

I think I've narrowed the problem down to the front end - specifically the stem - being too long.

so... are there any mod stems that poke forward less than a t-master yet still allow you to have a nice high front end?

I thought maybe one of the echo ones but the pictures on tarty say no. According to the quoted geometry monty and try-all jobbers would be worse than what I have now. Am I missing any other manufacturers out or am I just screwed?

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well obviously its going to feel weird after youve ridden a bmx lol the echo stems on tarty bikes is a good choice

weird is fine - it's just that the bike feels kind of barge-like and I think it'd feel a lot nicer with less reach.

The echo stems both poke forward more than the t-master

I don't want to go lower - I really haven't got on with other peoples zoo stems and I hated the try-all I had on my last bike.

It looks like I might just have to suck it up cos the t-master seems to have the shortest reach and get a shorter frame next time.

Maybe I could get a t-mag as a crash replacement when the t-poo breaks - not sure how onza do these things.

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Stop riding bmx lol :P nah only messin, try going from a downhill bike to a trials bike that used to feel weird just try and live with it if you were happy with it before. Just go spend a day with wing he will soon convert you. If not I found the echo mod stem worked well with my tpro (Y)

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Stop riding bmx lol :P nah only messin, try going from a downhill bike to a trials bike that used to feel weird just try and live with it if you were happy with it before. Just go spend a day with wing he will soon convert you. If not I found the echo mod stem worked well with my tpro (Y)

if anything i'll convert him - he get a very big grin on his face when he rides my bmx

i'm going to go mess around with stackers and bar position later to see if it improves matters. the echo definitely sticks out further - they've got handy diagrams on tarty now and you can see from them

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I was like that when I went from my BMX to my trials bike, and again going from a road bike back to trials bike feels weird after a while. But after a few weeks and a few changes, you'll easily get used to it, and it'll begin to feel natural so you won't notice the change. There's no point changing your ride position on the T-Pro, all you're gonna do is make it harder to ride trials.

Unless you want a shorter trials bike to play short-bike-trials on, in which case it's a different matter.

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I was like that when I went from my BMX to my trials bike, and again going from a road bike back to trials bike feels weird after a while. But after a few weeks and a few changes, you'll easily get used to it, and it'll begin to feel natural so you won't notice the change. There's no point changing your ride position on the T-Pro, all you're gonna do is make it harder to ride trials.

Unless you want a shorter trials bike to play short-bike-trials on, in which case it's a different matter.

I'm plenty used to switching between the two - I've just come to appreciate shortness more and was hoping I'd be able to knock an inch or so off the length of the trials bike without forking out for a new frame.

I'll just have to live with it by the looks of things

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Im not trying to turn it into a bmx - I've already got one and it's lovely.

I just wanted a cheaper way of making it shorter than buying a new frame.

There's many, many good things about short bikes, like manuals and bunnyhops and spinning and steering being a shed load easier.

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I found manuals and spins easier on my Zip than my T-Pro, largely due to the slightly higher BB. Having a slightly longer front end helped too just 'cos you have a bit more room for correction of spins and manuals, which is again probably why I've got a 21" TT on my BMX.

I suppose you could always try an Echo Team stem. They'll make it a bit shorter without being too low?

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I've rode bmx for years now and messed around with lengths on it.

I found the trials bike not to be too bad when I got first on it. Although bunny hoppin wasn't to easy.

I find that it takes me a week of riding to fully get back into the feel of my Echo. But on the bmx its takes only a few hours to feel comfortable again.

I believe that even though the bikes have the same wheel size they shouldn't be the same size else where. Obviously the bmx is good on ramp and the trials bike good on the back wheel. It should stay that way and keep the 2 bikes different. It makes both riding styles easier and if they try to re-inact each other then it will just be harder in the long run.

I hope that makes sense. (Y)

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