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Tools Needed To Build


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To build a trials bike are there any hi-tec very expesive tools needed or can you use some basic motobike tools like wrenches. i llok at the tools on tartybikes but some of them looked like very expensive version of the tools you could get at halfords. Is there any tool that is needed that is only used on trials bikes?

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The tool you will most be needing is probadly a bottom bracket tool, other then that, spanners and allen keys. Get some decent allen keys from halfords for about £5 , or you could go with the best bike tools which are park tools, but that is expensive. Hope this helps (Y)

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Not really, just standard bicycle tools like bb tool, allen keys, spanners.

A few parts like middleburn crank lockrings require special tools,

but thats about all I can think of. Also you may need a bleed kit for hydraulic brakes

if you are using them and want to cut the hoses down.

Edited by adamtrials
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toolboxes should contain the following

bb tool

crank extractor

some allen keys of various sizes (2.5, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm will probably cover everything)

a 15mm spanner

a really big adjustable spanner

some pliers

3 forks (tyre levers)

a big bag of zip ties

a hammer (big one)

a block of wood (about the size of a brick - for putting betweeen the hammer and things you're hitting with the hammer)

another block of wood (for protecting kitchen floor)

stanley knife (cos they're fun)

another big spanner ( i like big spanners)

huge, industrial strength chain splitter

a couple of screwdrivers with different shaped ends

a broken freewheel

some grease

some bog roll (for mopping up)

some gt85

a hacksaw

a file

a chisel (because you never know)

a masonary nail (for tightening lockrings)

another stanley knife (i like knives)

random bolts and bits of metal you've broken/removed with the hacksaw

at least half a v-brake

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Ok thanks.in putting a headset, forks and stem together is a dreadlock needed?

And poopipe are you sure your toolbox is used for *Building* trials bikes because you have 2 bigs spanners, 2 stanley knives, a big hammer and bog roll

Edited by danfox23
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