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We Got Diet Simon Drunk For The 1st Time


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Man was this a funny night, we got Diet Simon Drunk, and Hes currently a mess on his way home.

People Were just buying him the most random Drinks ever, all mixers and shit.

Hes Never Drunken Before, and look what we do to him.

He Has no Idea what tommorow Holds in store

We Started In Que Pasa (Where Br3n works) and went to East (local shit club)

Got a lift home off a random, was fun.

But seeriously, why was everyone licking me, and why did that random girl grab my nuts, then not have the curtosy to sooth them???

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BEst fckiong night ever, do it againt gimttorw shitnhahd.s!"!!!!!!!!!!

f**king yeha.

saw sara and sammiy and theywas whot. f**k me, i thought people were jokijg ehrnnthy wrote dhit. wtffffffffffff.

to senior member chat it isssssssssss. Woooooooooooooooooooooo.

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f**king wont, f**kmyopu alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

yeah, ytou fking heard.

bye bye senior, this shit'kl get me banned.

have sime leniancey, first time drunk, don't knowmwtf i'm doing, hit on some girl with the boyfriend standing next o ger, brendan had to sort shit out, he wasnt happy.

didn';t get sex though, was all your bads vibes trials-forum, yeah, you fukinh headrd, f**k yuoiu alll.

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f**king wont, f**kmyopu alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

yeah, ytou fking heard.

bye bye senior, this shit'kl get me banned.

have sime leniancey, first time drunk, don't knowmwtf i'm doing, hit on some girl with the boyfriend standing next o ger, brendan had to sort shit out, he wasnt happy.

didn';t get sex though, was all your bads vibes trials-forum, yeah, you fukinh headrd, f**k yuoiu alll.


I love Simon

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diet hardcore simon!

was an amusing night, I think I licked everyones face at least twice :) Also remember ever so slightly hitting lee in the testicles :P

just remember, girls are gay.. all of them!

So much for my 'special treatment' you lying hoe.

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You didn't lick mine. :

I got punched in the bollocks too, hurt like a f**k.

By the way, this was a trials riders night out, was like 11 or something of us, all riders. We showed those pansie chav knobers how to party, or atleast i did. I remember "raving" on many platforms, and elevated stuff trying to get the crowd going. Sucked though. :lol:

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hahah brilliant, I have no idea who told the dj though?

just randomly heard something about worthing trials :/

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I REMEMBER THAT!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

That was legendry.


and we went f**king nuts hahaha.

Excellent. :lol::lol::lol:

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I well didn't notice. She walked past, so i was like "hiiiiii", then she walked straight into her boyfriends arms, i was like, er, so i just said "she yours? good on you" or something.

Or did i say that to the other girl? the girl that works at your bar who gary tried to pull like 5 times. :lol:

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Yes belive it, his 1st time.

Diet Simon Was Broken in well and truely.

Next time hes out, were getting him Punk Rock Drunk :D

Much Better

One way of Stopping Brendan having a nice chat with a Lady, Walk up and lick her face when she is busy talking to him :D

You can Thank Sam For telling me to do that for you Bren

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