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Wrist Problems.

mat hudson

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hey guys, i'm having real problems wiuth my wrists (well, one in particular) and its getting to a point where it hurts to ride. i am using pazzaz 28" carbon risers and an onza stem 100mm. is there anything i can try to ease my wrists a bit?

i like doing wheelswaps, maybe that could be the problem, but i dont want to have to stop doing them.

any help will be greatley appriciated.


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rsi? i got that, not from wanking to much, but from the school computers having the WORST hand position ever and it made my wrist go all gay

may not be totally down to the biking at all, get the pain at any othe time?

i tried some sort of bmx brand wrist supports and the pain went :) well until i took them off :P

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wank less?

but seriously.

it'll be bar position for sure. I got no idea how you run them but try changing it. Tilting my zoo bars back 5 degrees or so did wonders for my wrists.

Is the worst one by any chance the side you use a computer mouse with?

the wank theory suggests it'd be the other one...

Edited by poopipe
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i'll give it a go. the pain is on the outside of the wrist, so maybe by putting it at an angle so it isnt tilting my wrist upwards it would cure it?

get some flatter bars (Y)

and get a powerball thing and use that to strengthen ur wrists, but only do it a lil bit per day :)

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For a proper analysis, from a trained professional, i would PM a guy on here called 'Physio'. I've heard he works wonders and really knows his stuff. As long as you explain all the symptom's etc. (Y)

Good luck...



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I have the same problem but i have given it a rest for a while, im now using a stress ball to strenthing them up and wear wrist supports from tescos(thin to fit under my gloves) and also have tried the position of my bars/brakes to see what hurts the most , so will go out tonight and see what happens :closedeyes:

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Is it a burning sensation over your wrist by any chance, if it is, I have had similar problems, and your forearm is the most likely candidate. You only have a certain number of tendons in your arm, and unfortunately, trials is predominantly dependent upon only a small number of those = large forces on a small number of tendons.

If it is the tendons - you, like I probably won't realise how painful they actually are/where. It was my massuse who pointed it out & it's been the only time I've ever experienced excrutiating unbearable pain over about a year of massage.

I expect you could check - lie your hand flat on a desk, palm side down. Place your fingers on the top side of your forarm (just below your elbow) just a little off centre (towards the outside). Apply a firm/hard amount of pressure & push your fingers along the length of the tendons (you should be able to feel them if you move your fingers from side to side)..if its quite tender compoared to the surrounding tissue - that may well be be where your problem lies?

If so, just ice it, get a massage (professional) if you can & rest. I had mild tendonttis & had overworked the tendons from riding & spending weeks using photoshop/illustrator for around 12+ hours a day.


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I have exactly the same problem.. Its in my right wrist, and it only hurts when im twisting it a bit.. not moving it up and down if you understand (: and it is the hand i use for the mouse.. but it came with me trialing my moms 28" bike (: ... but ive had it now for 2 weeks and it still hurts when im working etc.. I thought about if it came when i spended way too much time alone at home ;) but i dont hink so :D..

ill have to eat painkillers everytime i go out to ride (: gonna see the doctor soon

cheers // Patrik

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If it's your mouse-hand, it could be RSI caused by your wrist not being well supported when you're using the mouse. If you get a mouse-mat with a gel pad support at the back of it, it may help. If you know it started when you were playing about on another bike though, I guess it could just be you've tweaked something though...

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Yes as joe said, get in touch with Si, 'Physio' on here, add him on MSN he pops on and off and is allways willing to help anyone.

I had much the same problems in that my right wrist was completly shagged to the point I thought I had broken it, the only differance being that there was no fall or knock to actually break the bone meaning it was purley muscular.

I'd suggest resting for a few day's trying not to use the wrist, even opening doors and such would put a strain on it and ideally you want to allow it to heal for a few days before slowly building it up again.

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