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Alun Goch

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Ok, this is what i was going to put in my sig, as thats what i thought at first, but its abit big, so here tis;

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

hey i got a new bike today for free

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

an old one

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

gonna do it up

SaM says:


SaM says:

my jump bike is bein powda coated den i can jump

SaM says:


Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

and then i can jump lol

SaM says:


Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:


SaM says:

no thnx m8

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:


Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

not that u jeb!

SaM says:

what the feck is a jeb u numpty

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

what the f**ks a numpty u freged?

SaM says:


SaM says:

u tool

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

u lockring

SaM says:

mr feckin freewheel

SaM is sending a sound.

Action: Play "EMO!"

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

miss f**kin ive got five fingers

SaM says:

well of cors i have

SaM says:

do u have more/less den u freak

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:


Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

i have 8

SaM says:

ok u smart arsed fanny

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:


SaM says:

i dnt want anothewr argumanet bout thumbs bein fingers

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

i now have a sig

SaM says:

what u go put

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:

this dickead!

SaM says:

oi dnt get cheeky

SaM says:

ur not 2 big 4 a slap

Alun Goch - making your wildest dreams come true says:


Also some swearwords there slipping past the swear-filter :-


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yes people that was me in that little convo :-

but its a little long for a sig???


and reading through the chat log between you and me you have said some hurrendously stupid things like at the begining of that convo

D:)SaM:):D: Hello!

Alun Goch - : yo man

Alun Goch - : how u?

:D:)SaM:):D: im nb

:D:)SaM:):D: urself?!?!?!?

Alun Goch - : im brilliant thanks

Alun Goch - : u?

:D:)SaM:):D: same as like a min ago

Playing emotion sound "comunicationprob"

Alun Goch - : o yeah lmao

Edited by Sam Ward
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